This game is... disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it can be really fun. And the soundtrack is fucking incredible (probably the best part of the game). But its so damn frustrating at times. To address the elephant in the room, yes - it'd have been received much better if it did not have "most wanted" in the title. But that's hardly a major issue unless nostalgia goggles are glued to your eyes. Every single moment made me think "This was done WAY better in hot pursuit 2010 and even burnout paradise. What went wrong here?" The map is good on its own. The handling model is good on its own. But taking both together you'll realize that this handling model is not AT ALL suited for the map design. To put it simply, the game rips off the map of paradise city and puts in the hot pursuit physics which DO NOT work well together. It takes a LOT of time to finally get used to the driving in this game. Watching the beta footage on youtube is just sad man. This game could've been so much better.

Unlike the previous android port, this one has audio bugs and frankly, that's the only reason I'm deducting .5 because this might be one of the best batman stories I've ever experienced. It fixes literally every single issue with the first season and provides such a brilliant and unique dynamic among some of the most iconic DC characters.

An improvement in every way. The horror is spectacular, the gameplay is still kick-ass and although short (well of course, it's an expansion afterall), it's enjoyable all the way through.

One of the best shooters ever made. The only problems i can think of are that it kinda overstays its welcome a little and the horror is just not consistently strong.

Outside a few visual bugs, the gameplay experience was fairly okay. Regarding the story, well - there are a lot of things it does right and also a lot of things that it doesn't. Many of the plotlines feel like reiteration of existing batman media. Although the presentation generally does the storylines justice, sometimes it just falls flat. Many animations look unpolished. The voice acting is phenomenal but again, it's sometimes let down by the animations. It is also not all that consistent - some parts feel like a drag whereas some parts feel horribly rushed, especially episode 5. Episodes 3 and 4 strike the best balance in my opinion. What this game does exceptionally well is the portrayal of Bruce Wayne and the situations the player is put in while they're in his shoes. Overall, this game's a mixed bag but still enjoyable, especially for a batman fan.

Some of the best 3rd person shooting mechanics in all of gaming. But, to address the elephant in the room, the story is indeed all over the place. There are some moments that showcase a brilliant growth in Max's character, and some moments that are total character assassinations. The side characters aren't that interesting either. But the gameplay keeps the experience enjoyable.

One of the greatest games of all time in my honest opinion. The gameplay has been fine tuned and improved (some might call the changes to bullet time a bit broken, but personally i find it to be extremely fun). And I'm one of the few people who finds the story here to be better than the first game.

Iconic. The difficulty spike is quite jarring in the later levels, and the level design is mostly not all that interesting but the game overall is still fun.

This game is the definition of 'hidden gem'.

An absolute masterpiece in every way. The only reason I've deducted .5 stars is because of the shoddy PC port. And it's got perhaps the best story in the franchise. This is one of those games that you've GOT to experience at least once.

Honestly i did not expect to enjoy this game as much as i did, but here we are. This game is a sequel in the truest sense of the term. Combat, stealth, parkour, everything has been tweaked and refined providing a completely improved experience than the first game. Especially the progression and pacing which has been turned into a GTA-mission like structure and honestly it works so much better. Now to address the elephant in the room here, sequence 13 sucks. That is why the 1 star deduction here. I wouldn't have been too harsh if it was a short section but it takes up almost an hour or two of gameplay. It ain't too difficult, but none of the assassinations are interesting enough and the instant-fail no detection condition forced upon some of them just makes the entire thing really annoying. Apart from this, the rest of the game is pretty damn great.

Great campaign but writing was really off at times. Also, the main antagonist's motivation kinda feels vague so his writing falls flat when it shouldn't. With that said, there were also a lot of impactful moments and the choices themselves go on to achieve an actual choices-matter-branching story. And speaking from a gameplay perspective, this game might be the best in the franchise -with combat arenas providing multiple approaches that rivals the likes of Bungie-era Halo. But from a story and writing perspective, black ops 1 is superior.

What a phenomenal campaign. Apart from a truly riveting story, it's also got little intricate details that truly make it special. The non linear structure of the story keeps it deeply suspenseful, and Alex Mason is one of the most well written protagonists ever.

honestly speaking, the only problems that this game has can be attributed to hardware limitations. Other than the poor crowd density/draw distance and lack of a second analog stick, this game actually surpasses its big-daddy console predecessor, mainly in terms of progression. The shorter runtime and linear structure yields a much tighter gameplay loop that honestly doesnt really get boring. Overall, it's a good enough game stuck on limited hardware.

This game is...okay. It's a lot like farcry 2: the core gameplay is actually solid - the parkour is fun, and i unironically enjoyed the combat, plus visually speaking it still holds up, and the story is actually well written and suspenseful (although the desmond ending was an absolutely atrocious way of setting up a sequel - it could've been done a lot better); but the progression is absolutely awful. The pickpocketting and eavesdropping and stuff actually make you FEEL like an assassin (sike IGN) the first time around but soon enough their copy-paste nature becomes apparent - and eventually all of it just become a matter of following the next objective marker. Which is why a more linear kind of progression on a smaller scale would've worked better - which is why the last few levels are more enjoyable and also why Bloodlines is somewhat better than this game. Plus, if they aimed for a smaller maps then they might've been able to implement the investigations as actual investigations instead of follow-this-next-marker. Overall, good game but bogged down by its progression.