Great Kirby Binge of 2024 (Wip!)

Going to (re)play as much of the Kirby series as I can this year, and then list my thoughts. I've at least dabbled into each game, but I haven't finished some. This is mostly because I've been feeling extremely nostalgic for the older games. I don't have any crazy strict rules for this, but my goal is to at least beat the main mode, and finish the True Arena in later games. I'll mostly try to play in release order, but there will definitely be exceptions. This is going to be a wip until the very end of the year.
Games I'm potentially omitting from this binge:
Kirby Star Stacker (GB), Kirby Super Star, Air Ride depending on the state of my GameCube, Clash games

Finished: 2/8/24
It's been less than a year since I replayed this one, but it's such a short game that I just played it again anyways. There's not much to say that hasn't already been said? It's DL1.
Finish: 3/30/24
Didn’t mean to shelf this but stuff happened around when I started. Anyways it’s not the best Kirby and it definitely suffers from borderline arcade syndrome at points, and oddly cryptic puzzles (even by 90s game design standards) but like….this game isn’t nearly as bad as people say it is? I had a lot of fun with it still.
Finished: 1/30/24
My 8th playthrough of this game with a friend since SNES Online was a thing. I love this game so much I have this entire game memorized. I can't say much that I haven't already gushed about but I love this game so much. I miss the animal friends
Currently Playing
Finished (main story): 1/26/24, Magolor Epilogue: 1/27/24
I preordered this game and just got around to playing it in January. It's a good remake, I love the outlines on the models. Magolor Epilogue was kind of underwhelming? I was really expecting more from the finale. Magoland was probably where I got most enjoyment out of the game. I hope Kiyoshi Hazemoto gets to work on the next Kirby, his arrangements and new tracks were my favorite part. I'll do extra mode and the arena stuff another time. I miss the wii remote gimmicks such as pointing at the screen for beam and shaking for the big inhale...idk, I'm just not as crazy about this game as other Kirby fans. Maybe if I had someone to play with me.

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Kirby my beloved

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