the last game in the saints row series that took itself seriously as a gta-like gangs game
other reviews have not lied - it is is borderline unplayable today without heavily modding it or tweaking the compatibility settings. similarly to other old games, they cannot handle new computers and crash a lot
it took me around 23 hours to finish the game, mostly due to crashes, sometimes a genuine skill issue and sometimes janky "unfair" missions. expect to randomly fly in the air or be set on fire and immediately hit by a car and die - and some don't even have checkpoints and force you to retry everything! this in no way makes it a bad game, it's just the way they were before
as far as the story goes, it's great, and corny in a good way. you're a badass boss who blows things up that probably shouldn't be capable of doing so, but who cares? you look so cool!!
the last mission was a bit underwhelming and did not feel like a final quest - it felt the same as most previous ones, except you see a credit roll at the end of it
based on my personal experience, i absolutely recommend this game, but if you have not played any saints row and you have a newer pc, start with 3. the only reason why i put up with the crashes and bugs is because i got really invested in the following games
johnny gat my beloved

not until dawn but fun to play with friends
dylan best boy

mindless fun and really cheap indie game
if i had to hear the man's voice acting for another minute i would've turned myself into a meat pie
shoutout to hildred for being effortlessly able to lift people and throw them into a meat grinder but complain about a crate of tomatoes being too heavy

i liked it more than any other borderlands game
it's absolutely hilarious and fun to play, and i cannot imagine this story told in any other way (although to be fair, i do like the telltale games gameplay)
i really, really recommend it


deserves having the reputation it has
absolute classic horror indie game
if you're a massive baby that gets easily scared, me too, and i promise it's not that bad

this was a really fun experience - but i really wish the game had more content. i have not followed the development of it, but it is true it only has two dungeons and and a final boss.
you can beat this game in roughly five hours (if you max everyone too), it is VERY enjoyable and i would recommend it - i just really wish it had more stuff, because it has a lot of potential.
the dungeons are short and the enemies lack variety - which is not to say they are not fun. the music in them is amazing!
the characters are mostly charming in the little time you know them. i maxed all of them romantically except sawyer because they seemed too.. young for me!
i do recommend this - it's short, fun, and worth it.

i like life is strange because i am a certified things enjoyer
i enjoyed playing this game - but it could've done better.
the main issue is that it's short. the first chapter is the one I enjoyed (and suffered) the most.
the reveal of the plot twist shocked me briefly, but i was mostly concerned by how little could've even hinted at it, or how more development would've made it insanely better.
i'm not sure if it was a development thing or what - but the story itself happens in a very, very small period of time, yet treats it as if aged had gone by.
the artstyle and music are absolutely on point, this is the best life is strange in that regard and i'm excited for what may come next.
this might be a pet peeve but the male love interests in both 1 and this one were not interesting at all and i'm not sure if it's because lis is a designated gay game. either way i believe in steph supremacy

basically this game is very pretty it has great music and is enjoyable to play but the story didn't quite do it for me. excited to see more games with this quality!

i can't go a single game without being a homewrecker and i think it should be studied by science

turned me into a slasher fucker

super fun but too short, i appreciate that only one person needs to buy it for two to play remotely (without steam's remote play)

finished it in around an hour and a half (while stopping to eat dinner).
it's pretty cute and fun to figure out, but definitely not hard. which is not a bad thing! you can't expect all puzzle games to wreck your brain.
i'd say this is a good game for people who don't often play and just want something to do in an off-day, or a group of friends hanging out and playing it together.
it's way too expensive for what it lasts, though.

i can't believe i'm seriously writing this!!
i finished the first storyline. you meet 10 guys and then you're told by a psychic "nine of them are lying to you but you will marry one" and then the whole game is going chapter by chapter figuring out which one out of two sucks.
you need to guess with the clues you are presented with which one it is, the game is pretty fun and even if you don't put any money into it, you can beat it in a few days
the writing isn't great obviously but it's Okay, mostly just funny. i wasn't a big fan of the guy who "wins" but whatever i will eat garbage as long as it has otome in the tags.

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ironically i played it with someone who ended up betraying me

i really enjoyed this take on sherlock holmes, and especially jon. the game is truly enjoyable and i would recommend it to anyone who is into murder mysteries. you have to disguise yourself for people to want to talk to you, figure out where to go on the map yourself based on street names, and it's just really fun to interrogate people.

there is also a combat section that isn't really great, but it's fun enough (and stupid at times) and helps to take a break from all the running around and interrogating.

this is one of the few games which side quests are genuinely fun, and it adds a lot more to the experience. i did not complete all of them, but supposedly you can beat the main story in around 13~ hours and it took me 27~ with a bunch of extra cases. i would've not enjoyed the game nearly as much if had only done the main quests.

that said, the game could use a lot less vagueness when it comes to case outcome - in one hand, it's truthful to life that you may not always know if the person who's been deemed guilty is actually the perpetrator of the crime, but it is also mildly annoying for the player to be left wondering "did i pick the correct choice?"

overall, this is a pretty good and fun game. beware of technical issues if you don't have a super good computer (and expect them even if you do).