games i played as a kid and feel weird about reviewing now

as an 8 y/o with a 3ds i don't think i was examining these games with a fair critical eye. might revisit some of these but for the most part i just want to note them somewhere. mostly an excuse to listen to the activity log theme tbh

okay i lied. THIS is my most played game ever. i probably have close to 500hrs between 3ds and steam? yes i played 3ds terraria and yes i had to plead with my parents to let me buy it because of the T rating
i got to like. special world 8-3. but i never finished this game for some reason
played this one on 3ds too actually. mained greninja/corrin. actually i still played this up to the release of ultimate despite having mostly retired my 3ds by then. i used to bring it to school and play with friends. good times. on occasion i still hop on ultimate online with those same folk
first game i ever owned! as such it's probably still my most played ever lol
i beat this game and i haven't been able to find the cartridge since. hm.
still trying to beat true arena to this day. one of my all time favorites. why is poison so busted
i really don't remember anything about this one. i like alolan muk i think but that's about it
this was THE pokemon game of my youth. i still remember saving up to get it. pokemon is def not my jam nowadays but i have fond memories of playing this one with friends, wandering through mauville while mashing the wonder trade button.

actually now that i think about it i never finished the postgame. something about not being aware that deoxys was shiny locked
aw hell yea!! still holds up i think. i remember booting it up semi-recently? i remember watching my friend fight dark meta knight. he wanted me to film it but i was aghast at the blood. not in MY kirby game
revisited a couple years ago. gotta love dan avidan in a bee costume. still holds up :D i remember spending way too much time in the concert hall
bought this one from a friend who'd sold his wii u and gotten a switch since it was a while before i'd get mine. he gave me the manual and everything. i think that's still kicking around my house despite how the game is long gone. it was always really cool to me to flip through: so many fun ideas to mess with. oh yeah the game was cool too
tried to revisit this one last year and got stuck on one of the meat minibosses. i was like 10hrs in this game fucks.

i remember being scared shitless by the purple fountain on the mountain. why was that in the game. fuck. anyway i remember being stuck on the mt. pajamaja fight for ages. also the last two bosses were too tricky for me so i had to get my friend to do them. antasma was fuckin cool though! love me an edgy guy
i recall nothing about this. but i am HERE for the ghost type rep in this game. gengar and chandelure my beloveds
my brother always took the gamepad so i got to play as waddle dee which meant i had to sit out on the final boss :( fuck you claycia i'd kill you if i could roll
i do not remember much of this. i rewatched a compilation of all the little movies a bit ago? i know i got this and tomodachi life on the same birthday. i feel like out of the two of them i'd probably get bored with this one if i went back to it
this one was probably a good time? i forget. download play my beloved... we used to abbreviate gem apples to japples and i thought that was funny at the time

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1 month ago

3DS gang RISE UP

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