One of the best martial arts games I've played. Combat was super satisfying to learn.

I enjoyed my time with it, but was ready for it to be over by the final dungeon. Great remake tho.

Roguelike city builder. This was my "watch YouTube videos and play" game of 2023

I enjoyed it for what it is. Great atmosphere, bit too much grinding. Once I figured out the AI the game was also much too easy.

Fantastic little survival horror indie game in the spirit of old school resident evil, complete with lesbian androids.

Fantastic sequel. Some pacing issues but overall loved it.

Surprisingly excellent epilogue to the main story. Combat still solid. Loved the character driven internal conflict. Highly recommended if you liked the base game.


Exactly what you think it is. Cute little indie coop platformer. Fantastic art style, but very basic puzzles and gameplay. Short experience, only took my wife and I 1.5 hours.


Pretty fun little frostpunk-esque game. Went on way too long, and the final two chapters were basically just micromanaging my current resources, which was no fun. Great music and atmosphere tho.

Fantastic indie Mega Man X-esque like game. Only about 3 hours, but man is it ever fun.

Fantastic little indie game. Got major Ape Escape vibes from this (solving quick little puzzles and using environment interaction to capture these critters). I had a blast.

bunger bunger bunger

I adored this game. This is to Chrono Trigger and FFVI as Stardew Valley was to Harvest Moon - An indie developer wanting to create their own version of the games they loved as a child. A fantastic little indie JRPG with great music, a wonderful battle system, an amazing sense of progression, etc.

Only complaints is that there's a few too many convoluted plot twists near the end and the crystal system (which is how you modify your equipment) can be pretty monotonous (though can be ignored or auto-sorted).

I adore this game. Love the exploration and sense of progression with the mechs (unlocking flying was such a great moment). I even love the battle themes.