Thom Yorke please make video games

Genuinely a smart little game that work as a commentary on the medium and on its players. However, popularity made it sadly hard to enjoy in this way. You will probably play the game for the first time thinking "when does it gets weird and scary", and well it does very fast and works, but simply not as much as if it was a surprise.

Ye, you can't really do gameplay more emergent than that

Outmeta-ing a family guy cutaway gag about how they keep doing cutaway gags.

It's really hard to see how you can have something better than this game's formula for a stealth assassination game. This whole thing is just so good. The levels are simply stunning, intricate and fun to play. Add to that freelancer, a genius way to have an excuse of reutilizing the game's emergent gameplay in an infinite variety of scenarios and you have a cult classic which will forever stay as the best you can do in the genre.

A joy to explore and to move Mario in general. The great direction, gameplay variety and perfectly handcrafted world make you instantly compelled to 100% the game. What a crazy feat to be able to redefine what a great 3D platformer whenever you want.


fun little game with cool cat parkour, nice writing and great game direction. Not revolutionizing but does not overstay its welcome, just a well made game

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Fuck this dlc is good. Really great stuff. Corroborating images you find in this mysterious new place then finding the simulation on your own gotta be the greatest fucking thing ever. Holy shit this is good. And then finding out how you can cheat in that simulation (in the most genius and meta way possible) for finally one the most touching ending in a dlc with almost not a single word is written or said. And the music, atmospheric, endearing or touching when it needs to be. What a fucking way to add to one of the greatest game ever. Too bad those fucking enemies are most of the time more frustrating than scary.