Descent 1994

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So far, enjoying this one a lot more than I thought I would. Started it based on a friend's recommendation, spent most of my time with it figuring out how the hell I was supposed to comfortably map this game's controls.

I respect the hell out of what this game was going for, and found the dialogue to be surprisingly charming in its snark... but, man, this is one of the hardest to handle games I've ever played.

It doesn't feel so much like it's badly implemented, and more that I just... don't get it, yet. And that's fine! With a little practice, I'm sure it'll feel intuitive, genius, and like some kind of hidden holy grail of a game that I wish more games would control like. I know I'm not usually one for the conventions of FPS games, so this was a nice change of pace in movement that I do honestly wish more developers would strive for.

But right now, getting shot from the sides makes me freak out, fail miserably, and take a minute to consider jumping off of the nearest bridge.

I like that, though. It just makes me want to learn it even more.