One of the games ever made in the gaming world

One of the best 2D beat-em-ups I ever played, with a great gameplay and a banger soundtrack full of charisma and soul. It is a very hardcore one. Be careful.

If anyone asks me why I'm crazy about visual novels, it's because of this VN

Its MMA,but in a eroge lesbian love story

"This story...
It just exists.
It's not meant to cheer up the disillusioned masses.
It's not meant to give courage to some unknown hero.
It just exists.
It will still find its way into someone's heart,
and that will give rise to a new story."
A new story to live and tell.

reject humanity, embrace neko girls

The best SRPG on Sega Genesis and a high step up from its predecessor in all respects, with a banger soundtrack, great characters, very good gameplay, good level design, soul, challenging difficulty, and overall pretty fun with great execution as a whole.

Amazing game.

If you are a fan of hardcore games or really like SRPGs, I highly recommend this game.

🎵 Oh how this blue planet,
spins so very peacefully,
but how the sadness.
It never seems to go away.

Oh Why (why? why?) do we,
keep hurting one another?
When all that it takes to help is a little love,
and a little understanding?

LOVE! Connect with each other,
till our hearts beat as one(yeah our hearts will beat as one!).
TRY! We want to roll everything in.
Don't stop, and let the love flow,
then we all can be,
together forever....

"Oh, isn't this our blue planet? Such a beautiful star...
Just a few things we need: Plenty of sleep, a balanced diet, love for our green mother... and a nice tan to boot!"

But if we have empty hearts, we can't beat as one....

LOVE! Connect with each other,
despite of all the walls,
that we have built between us.
TRY! We want to roll everything in,
we wanna roll it all in,
even all of the broken hearts.
LOVE! Connect with us all!
na na na na na na, na-na na na na naaa, na-na
COME ON! naaaa, na na na-na naaa, na-na, na-na na naaaa ni naaa, ni na na na na naaaa na-na

Ah! Then we shall all become... Beautiful shining stars... 🎵

Transcendental christmas game

Bad, really short eroge from the time of the caves.
Only play this game if you are a hardcore fan of Alicesoft games. I do not recommend.

Monster Hunter for chad and based players