41 reviews liked by realOd3d

Kind of embarrassing how this is by far the best Mega Man game released for the PlayStation

I don't get it why do keep getting game over screen everytime I nuke Israeli & UK I'm doing the world a favor here

in 2024, playing Battlefield 2 for the first time was a huge mistake

O Kojima cozinhou com esse aqui hein
Muito bom, tive algumas dificuldades com o esquema de controles mas faz parte.

"How far are you gonna take me?"

A palate-cleanser after a week of driving a Testarossa and an F50 around the technically impressive but virtually soulless Forza Horizon 5. After Microsoft forced me against my will to play a mission called "#SQUADGOALS", I knew I needed to play a driving game with real romance in its heart.

I'm sure one of the best reviews on this whole site was of this game, and it said something to the effect of "OutRun 2 understands that making your girlfriend happy is the ultimate game", but I can't find it because it's super-hard to sift through Backloggd data. So let me re-iterate that statement and say that more video games should implement mechanics centred around satisfying the whims of a romantic companion. Funny that it's a driving game that best understands romance as a chain of dangerous manoeuvres through risk and reward to keep a ticking timer alive.

The Quick Play mode dropping you in as a white-sheet Ferrari that's hopelessly, perpetually chasing the ghosts of the iconic OutRun F50 feels like the developers saying that they could never hope to catch the original game, but god damn did they come close. A testament to how well-built this thing is under the hood that it feels endlessly replayable without even going into the submenus to find mission modes, time trials or unlocks. Just glad that my long-past self unlocked all the songs, because all I wanna do is handbrake and swing tail to this beat all night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypiaPp3xMPo

A genuine artistic crime that a video game masterpiece like this is trapped in a prison made of licensing - surely Sega and Ferrari can work things out? Sega are rich now! They make movies! Ferrari's big red cars come off better here than they do in Forza, but I guess it would pain a modern-day corporation to admit their products might be inhabited by living souls - the girlfriend in OutRun 2 has more personality in her little 2-polygon pinky than all 132GB of what Horizon 5 is offering us.

You've got a heart, right? Go on, try this game out - you can set up PPSSPP, download the .bin file and complete a race to the finish in the time it takes your PC to download the first gig of Forza! Men with guts play OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast!


this game fully understands that what makes outrun great isn't the driving or the vacation atmosphere or the eurodance soundtrack, it's making your girlfriend happy

Infinite Wealth é sobre perda, luto, aceitação e, acima de tudo, segundas chances.

É a segunda chance de Kasuga Ichiban de dar a volta por cima quando o mundo se volta contra ele.
É a segunda chance da Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio de capturar os fãs que, até então, não cairam nas graças do jogo anterior.
E não menos importante, é a segunda chance de Kazuma Kiryu de sentir e viver a vida sob uma nova perspectiva.
E, assim como aprendemos durante a jornada de Ichiban em Like a Dragon 7, nunca é tarde demais para aproveitarmos cada pequeno momento e perceber que, sim, é bom demais estar aqui presente pra vivenciar tudo isso.

I got so many bitches getting the high scores in this game.