The only good thing 343 has done are the remasters.

For every improvement this game made from the first, it ruined other things. Open world just didn't work for me....including generic zombie creatures.

The low point of the Halo series.

Better than the sequel. Great art direction, love the twisted world of Alice.

Wii Sports was better, but this still has a couple of fun minigames. Tanks is dope.

Full price: Waste of Money. Bargain Bin for $10? A fun couple of hours. Disappointing for long time fans, but the only skate game on the current gen for now. You also can play as Tyler the Creator and Lil Wayne if that's your thing.

Framerate makes this game unplayable. Awful story. A misstep for the series. Might be better on PC.

Not as good as III, but still lot of fun to play with friends.

The first COD game I ever owned. Great content.

Not as bad as people say, but prepare yourself for linear Crysis. Story is better than the first one.

Story wise: A big misstep for the franchise. Don't know who they hired but the jokes, story, and characters were horrible. The gameplay is the best in the Borderlands series. Hope 4 fixes what this one was lacking and brings the humor back to the series.

Once the micro transactions were taken out (which luckily I never experienced having bought this game after), this game really grew on me. Refined and improved everything the first game excelled at. A worthy send off for our Ranger.