maybe the non 3ds versions are actually fun to play

Un must have de la 3ds, con muchisimo contenido, mucho que aprender y un online sorprendentemente activo. Pero creo que vale más la pena si en su día ya jugaste SF4. Tuve un gran sentimiento de nostalgia redescubriendo este juego.

Probablemente el peor primer encuentro con Ridge Racer que se pueda tener

Juego que fue legendario en su momento por que sirvió para hackear la consola. Ahora mismo solo es un juego de físicas pocho que a lo mejor hubiera tenido más gracia si hubiera llegado a ser wiiware.

If you can forgive the very frustrating level design, this is a very pleasant experience. Back on the day it was bashed to death due to similarities to the Professor Layton games but on it's own it's a very charming and interesting game

decent game for extremely patient people

it really is dead or alive on the 3ds. good luck finding out what the fucking plot is about on this one and making any sense out of the cutscenes lol

it seems to be a trend for ubisoft to make shitty versions of their games for the 3ds

mildly entertaining but if i had bought a 3ds on launch day with this game it would have been a very awesome experience.

Very awesome golfing game, and the first game of this franchise that i have played. Im nowhere near completion of the campaign thing mode but its my go-to game to play when i just want to pick up my vita and play something. The controls are very tight, the overall mechanics are easy to pick up but very challenging to master. Once you get the hang of it, it is very hard to put this game down. Graphics are very close to the PS3 version, id like it more if they were a little more vibrant tho. The music and overall sound design is very joyful, it really messes with your head in a good way the sounds it makes when you get a perfect shot or when you get a decent score in a map. I also really love the character designs and having emo/dark outfits on my characters lol... Only downside is that the english dub is very annoying on this one, and that apparently theres no way to play online due to the servers having been killed a while ago...

I really reccomend to give this game a try even if you dont care about golf or sport games and have a vita!

i like that its a bit of an homage to sound novel aesthetics , i hope these games can inspire other developers to try their hand at making games with similar style.

i like this one more than the first one mainly due to the audiovisual changes, but about the writing, im not sure if the author is writing about their own experiences or just imagining an scenario about them having a conversation with this fictional character. i could imagine that a lot of ppl will perceive this game as some sort of weird girlfriend/caretaker experience if they cant relate to the conversation they are reading with the character in question. yes, conversation, the game is mostly a conversation youre having with this character with multiple endings depending on your choices. the only ending i could appreciate was the chatroom one. it reminded me a lot of a personal experience i hold dear to me and, it was cool to get to feel something like that again. i have no comments about the other endings. Also, i find the anime-styled cutscenes quite weird because for some reason they change too much the artsyle/character design and background art we see in game, it looked like a very barebones version of a certain anime people will want to compare this game to.

I encourage people to try this game and write their thoughts about the multiple endings if they can get anything out of them.

i really love the trailers for this game

yet another magnificent skate game. i wish u could wear a maid dress ingame. i will probably never finish it because im stupid and too much of a perfectionist in games about getting points and i take too much time replaying the same levels

the demons souls of sniper games indeed

very interesting collection of rythm games that are still worth trying today. too hard for me tho.