i like that it maintains cool gameplay bits from the first one but the levels are just much worse and they give u way too much ammo like if this was a call of duty game lol

what was capcom thinking when designing this game and composing the music for it lol at least having zero's sword was cool

como se pude hacer el the last of us de la ps3 peor que lo que ya era ?

what does it matter for your game to have nice controls if the level design is gonna be garbage

all the enemies in this game are really fast and your little ship thing has the speed of a turtle its really frustrating

little beat em up game. all the enemies in every new level are just recolors of the previous one and the gameplay loop is just grinding old levels to get upgrades to beat the new levels. its kinda lame. i dunno if this game has an ending becuase it just extends itself forever but i dont see myself trying to see the ending.

probably the worst game ever made

Very cool Falcom title, plays like a slower paced Ys game with a very marvelous level design. I enjoy just running around the map, farming for better equipment and always coming back to town to chat with the little sister? and check her translations of the runes and stories that you find across the game. I wish the plot had more to it but its a little story about recognizing that fate can not be changed and that everything in life will eventualy have its turn to be.

this game has been a part of my daily life for a month now. incredibly high quality game that for some reason stayed on the 3ds and amongst the greatest in its genre. also charge blade and insect glaive are way too strong and using literally any other weapon kind of feels unfun due to the huge gap in the balance of this game.

imma be practicing lili combos here for whenever tekken 8 comes out

replayed on 2023. this game is worse than i remember lol. also for some reason they translated the word 'ready' to spanish as 'aiming down sights' which i will never understand why.

bad game gets shittier and also fuck that whole saw inspired section lmao

koei tecmo went to an asylum to look for the most deranged person living in japan that also shares with them their obsession with the romance of the three kingdoms to hire them as a level designer in this game. overall huge unbalanced, unoptimized mess with at most 3 memorable bosses.