205 Reviews liked by riotkiwi

An artist's dream, a bard's song, a manuscript of a forgotten book, a mural of days gone by and days to come. Pentiment does not for a moment feel like a video game, and that is greatly to its benefit. Through the eyes of a melancholic man who has let his life slip away and a curious, ardent young woman who is unsure what she wants from life, hangs a tapestry that winds itself the way you weave it and frays where you err. For all the good and bad that comes with it, the 15 hour walk through 16th century Germany feels as authentic to its the time as walking outside my door feels to the present.

Pentiment is beautifully and deftly crafted by Josh Sawyer (no surprise as he directed the best game of all time) and his team at Obsidian. I feel that it speaks volumes to me in 2023, this story that has happened a thousand times in the past. It's a tad too long, but despite the notable lull in the beginning of the third act it's a story that will resonate with everyone. I recommend to play with a friend so that you may conspire, advise, and meme Saint Goblin the way we did.

this game runs at 8-15 fps, is unplayable on tv, advertises itself as open world but has no basic aspects of open world games (for example: level scaling), no opposing pokémon have an item, no opposing trainer uses a potion, the main storyline is slammed in your face at the end with hardly ever mentioned before, it all happens at the last minute without context. the worst pokémon game ever made imo

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Juego viejo xd. Ahora en serio, lo he estado jugando en emulador y es el primer Paper Mario que me paso, aquí van algunas cosas que me han gustado:
1- El sistema de combate esta chulo, es para todos los públicos y tiene profundidad con el tema de las medallas.
2- La historia es una tonteria pero los dialogos del juego son tan graciosos que a veces se te hace corto.
3- Las mecánicas fuera del combate estan bien, hace que revisites muchos sitios a los que ya habias ido para ver si puedes conseguir algo que antes no podias.
4- La musica esta chachi.

Ahora cosas que no me gustan:
1- Me cago en los puntos de guardado de los cojones. Esto no habia supuesto ningun problema hasta el final del juego, donde te tienes que comer una puta cinematica de 5 minutos para volver a intentar la pelea final. Tuve que usar el x2 del emulador y los save states para no droppear el juego solo por esto.
2- He estado con la guia el 50% del tiempo. El juego es de 2004 asi que su forma de darte una pista de que tienes que hacer es ir a un vidente, pagarle monedas y que te de un acertijo para tu comprender que tienes que hacer ahora xd. A parte de que esto a veces no lo puedes hacer porque estas en algun area encerrado sin poder acceder a la unica ayuda que te ofrece el juego.
3- Asi como el sistema de medallas esta dentro del menu del juego, me parece que tambien deberia estar el poder redistribuir tus puntos de nivel, y no tener que ir a un NPC. Digo esto porque no me he subido la vida en todo el juego y la verdad que hubiera estado bien redistribuir los puntos para cara el final pero el propio juego no me dejaba ya que tenia que hablar con un NPC que estaba a tomar por culo.
4- Un poco repetitivo. Vas a una zona, te llevas a un compañero, luchas contra el jefe y te llevas la estrella. Las dos primeras zonas eran chulas porque era innovador pero a partir de ahi va decayendo y el propio juego lo sabe y te hace los capitulos mas cortos por ello.
5- Por que no puedo luchar con toda mi party en las peleas y solo puedo utilizar a un compañero? Estaria muy guay el poder hacer eso pero entiendo la decision de diseño y esta aun asi bien logrado.
6- Un poco largo para mi gusto podrian haberlo acortado dos estrellas y seguiria siendo el mismo juego.

Aun con todo lo he disfrutado mucho y me planteare jugar a mas titulos de este genero e incluso mas entregas de Paper Mario.

Agredecido con el de arriba (apropriado) con que Disco Elysium abriera la veda de RPGs narrativos detectivescos basados exclusivamente en los diálogos, porque nos ha permitido tener esta joyita.

Pentiment me llamó la atención desde el primer momento por su apartado visual tan carácteristico, y resulta que solo es la primera de sus virtudes. Es una historia que no deja de sorprender mientras va hilando un misterio muy bien escrito. Tras las primeras horas temí que su sistema de investigación fuera demasiado frustrante, pero al contrario, está perfectamente diseñado para apoyar los temas principales del juego.

Me ha tenido enganchado de principio a fin y se va directo a mi lista de juegos favoritos del año pasado. Qué gusto ver a estudios como Obsidian pudiendo permitirse experimentos de este tipo, porque puede que este sea el mejor juego del estudio.

Fuck. I went in expecting to like this game because it's headed by Josh Sawyer - who was instrumental in making Fallout: New Vegas (my favourite game of all time), but I also knew it was one of those "narrative-driven" games - by which I mean "a game where the whole thing is walking back and forth in a straight line and talking to people" which are games that I generally avoid because, I don't think they're fun! I play games for the gameplay - I almost definitely have ADHD and tune out of these things after too long, especially when there's a lot of jargon and buzzwords being thrown around and a lot of detail in the dialogue to pay attention to, (which there definitely is here.)

Yet, I fucking loved this game. I also got through Night In The Woods and Disco Elysium (before voice acting) and liked them too, so maybe I have more patience than I thought! Or, maybe it's just a credit for these games. I think some people could, perhaps, criticise Pentiment for being boring - especially in its third act, where I do think a lot of the more implicit drama and intrigue take a backseat to worldbuilding and lore, yet even in its third act I can honestly say I never got bored, and this game really is just talking to people for about 12 hours with a few very thin minigame segments thrown in every so often!

It's hard to talk about this game at length without spoiling it because it is almost entirely dialogue, all I'll say is that it has a sense of place and culture in its writing that only Josh Sawyer and select few others seem capable of in modern videogames. Pentiment is a reminder that videogames are a vehicle for more interesting and diverse stories than "what if the good guys fought the bad guys??? With guns or swords or magic???" It's when you play a game like this that you think about the embarrassing state of the writing of some of the biggest videogame franchises in the world; Elder Scrolls, Warcraft, Halo, they all genuinely feel like they might be written by people who have never read an actual book and games like this illuminate that. We can do so much better with stories in interactive media. We should do better. The minds are out there. As I say; there is a culture, and a curiosity about history and society and the like in the writing of this game that is just so shockingly rare considering how many new games come out every year nowadays.

Pentiment - whilst being barebones in terms of gameplay has immaculate vibes. From its gorgeous artstyle to its perfect sound design; the way that every dialogue box is accompanied by the sound of a scribbling pen, the way that the birds can be heard chirping and frogs croaking as you walk through the forest? Its cosy. This game is cosy as FUCK. I found myself frequently stopping mid-dialogue just to admire the aesthetic, just to really take in the rolling hills, the falling leaves, all the beautiful sights this game presented me with.

I wouldn't recommend this game for everyone. But as I say - as someone who puts a lot of value into gameplay and gets bored easily, I breezed through this and loved every minute of it. Xbox's "let the devs do what they want" ethos hasn't worked as well as I or I think they would've liked so far, but this is a massive success story. An awesome game that I think will stay in my heart for a while.

Scuba diver simulator with funny creatures.

A quick beautiful masterpiece that everyone should play. I was devastated that the team broke apart and made no follow-up game.

another rpgmaker horror and the second in the 'Strange Man' series. probably the shortest of the four games, but unfortunately it's not as fun as the others. less horror focused than the last, and more puzzle focused, and sadly a lot of the puzzles are either obtuse or require a lot of back and forth running. good story tho, would still recommend. but godspeed on those puzzles

i have never cried over a video game before this. the connection you build with Arthur Morgan is so crazy, the fact that my heart would drop anytime he'd cough or stumble. i wishh i could erase this game from my memory and play it for the first time.

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I can‘t wait for the part where you build a house.

One of the best stories in a videogame, only rivaled by The Last of Us in my opinion. Arthur Morgan is an amazing protagonist and his journey throughout the game is something I’ve only seen in some of the best tv shows. A truly memorable experience that I’m not sure how rockstar will top.

actually sick narrative game and not walking sim

Something told me it was over
When I saw you and her talkin'
Something deep down in my soul said, 'Cry, girl'
When I saw you and that girl walkin' around

Whoo, I would rather, I would rather go blind, boy
Then to see you walk away from me, child, no

Whoo, so you see, I love you so much
That I don't wanna watch you leave me, baby
Most of all, I just don't, I just don't wanna be free, no

Whoo, whoo, I was just, I was just, I was just
Sittin here thinkin', of your kiss and your warm embrace, yeah
When the reflection in the glass that I held to my lips now, baby
Revealed the tears that was on my face, yeah

Whoo and baby, baby, I'd rather, I'd rather be blind, boy
Then to see you walk away, see you walk away from me, yeah
Whoo, baby, baby, baby, I'd rather be blind...

One of my favorite video games of all time. Amazing gameplay, better story. Had just as much fun playing the missions as I did exploring the map, hunting, even picking berries. 10/10

I've spent an ungodly amount of time with Red Dead 2 and your enjoyment of this game is entirely going to come down to what perspective you bring into it. While it has high-action sections, the vast majority of the game is spent in slow and quiet moments. Sometimes it gets a little TOO slow for it's own good and for the sake of realism.

It's a really special world that's been built here and a game that sets a high bar for other open world games in the genre.