90 Reviews liked by sadurrasti

still my favorite zelda, although the last 2 have made that difficult. slightly sad it's unlikely they'll revisit the vibe

game confirmed to me we do in fact have a mental health crisis in this country

the coop experience is just too good to allow for any critical opinion. also Wesker is so sick

the only CoD where an individual high performer can invalidate the failings of their teammates and single handedly force their team to win a match. really respect that about this game. all CoDs I've played since regressed

Don't play many action games but this one was pretty fun. Vibed with the visuals, was great for switch

player unknown, just because the arma engine had massive jank doesn't mean you need to add that to your standalone game too

no dude trust me its fun when you download the peepeepoopoo mod and like 30 others bro trust me its not the games fault its boring its your fault

has one good minigame the tank game

"The job? Killer is dead."

This game fucks, and so does it's protagonist Mondo. It's a wack ass Suda51 game that drips with suave style and character. It ain't perfect, but a combination of likable characters and very satisfying hack and slash combat make it a favorite for me.



Besides Deus Ex, I cannot name a better immersive sim. Talos I is easily among the best environments in any video game I've ever played, and it's this game's biggest strength. The level design in Prey is top tier even when compared to games with much more open levels like Deus Ex and Dishonored. While the story does flounder, especially near the end, Prey is a game I enthusiastically recommend.



The game I always recommend and no one ever plays.

I take sci-fi as a genre very seriously, and this ticks all the right boxes setting and story wise. PREY is the very best of what Arcane can offer, and delivers a best in class experience.

Though we'll never get a sequel due to the fact IGN employs morons.