72 Reviews liked by saggysamurai

I just want to make it clear that this is the best game I have ever played. I wish I could play it again blind, but I can't. Don't spoil yourself, just play this (and the DLC) whenever possible, because it's an unforgettable experience you cannot find anywhere else.

I love this game dearly, and am so proud that it even exists in the first place. It's hard not to view Outer Wilds as the greatest game of all time, and I'm going to be the annoying guy who recommends this to everyone I know for the rest of my life.

Do not learn anything about this game, and just play it. A truly wonderful experience.

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This is a perfect game, in all honesty. Or at least it's perfect ideal of the game it sets out to be.
The simple fact that there are no barriers within the game, no progress checks, that everything is consistent through each time loop outside of the player, is the key to making this game so special. You progress through this game by learning, learning more about the Nomai, more about the physics. This creates perfect ludonarrative harmony.
It's been a year or so since I've played this, so I don't have much more to add. Though I will give one criticism. The Nomai don't feel alien enough; their culture is basically human. And while there is an attempt to have their writings be nonlinear, hence the spiral of their writing, it ultimately fails to actually be nonlinear. The Nomai are ultimately very familiar to us, so exploring their ruins, and reading their texts doesn't really resemble the work of an archaeologist or anthropologist. I have some disappointment about this, but ultimately it's good that the developers made that sacrifice. The feeling of connection with the millennia-old Nomai, and that you, as a scientist, are building off, continuing, and ultimately fulfilling their research, is beautiful.

Outer Wilds is a special game. Never before has a game so fully captivated me and left me speechless. It's quite a simple premise. Explore the solar system and find clues about an ancient species. Who were they, and how did they disappear? Each planet gives a lot of clues, but only by going to each of them and thoroughly exploring can you piece together the whole story. It's a game that respects the player's intelligence - not once is anything spelled out or overexplained, but it still provides an excellent resource to retain all the key information.

Whilst on my interstellar journey to learn everything about the past, I was constantly reminded of the importance of the here and now. Each planet hosts a fellow explorer, and the first thing I did when I landed was seek them out to chat. While these moments of respite certainly aren't as tense and exhilarating as other parts of this game, I found being reminded of my connections to these people became the backbone of my experience. Where learning about the universe made me feel small and insignificant, these connections made me feel loved.

Outer Wilds is a game that just happened to come around at the right time. I have been craving a good exploration and puzzle-based game for a while, but it also serves as a reminder that endings just leave the door open for new beginnings. That the end of something isn't to be feared, but embraced.

Also the OST is the best for any game ever holy shit

I think this is a very cool game with an amazing concept, but i'm going to be real here. I never finished the game because some of the stuff in this game spook me out too much, easily one of the scariest media experiences i've had from last year.

a experiência mais íntima e surpreendente que já tive.
é fácil deixar passar alguns dos mínimos detalhes, mas tudo que o jogo tem pra te oferecer é um quebra-cabeça de memórias, pessoas e lógica que não lhe pertencem, mas que serão sempre parte do seu ser a partir do momento em que os créditos passarem.

"o universo é um lindo lugar, e eu não tenho mais medo de morrer"

Lo que daría por olvidar que he jugado a este juego y volver a pasármelo; este, junto con su DLC, es probablemente una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido con los videojuegos.

Puede llegar a ser lento y tedioso al principio, pero una vez pillas las mecánicas y empiezas a hilar la trama, estarás atrapado durante horas tratando de descifrar absolutamente todo y ni te habrás dado cuenta.

El videojuego, sin duda alguna.

This game really cemented the love I feel for story telling through games. It's a beautiful thing to experience a story and feel like you're taking an active role. I don't think this story could be told any other way, which is also inspiring. There were probably four or five moments where I was actively frustrated with the game, though. I wish that once things "clicked" for me mentally, I didn't have to deal with the game getting in my way to complete what I wanted to do. There's a fair amount of stress built into this game because of your limited resources (air, fuel, time). I felt that I had a few moments spoiled for me because of that stress. Outer Wilds is stellar, but my experience wasn't perfect.

My goopy goblin gamer brain didn't get any satisfaction unfortunately

Doy gracias por haberme detenido a oler los pinos en el camino.

They weren’t joking when they said the love-de-lic, jrpg, sudaheads wouldn’t like the linear action over-the-shoulder AAA Jim Ryan Sony game

Cool as fuck.
They seriously can't let the sequel potential go to waste I'm in need of it ASAP!!!!!!!
but alas that will never happen 😕

Story wise it's a little too predictable for my liking. Still captivating at times nonetheless. Really enjoyed the gameplay though. That was an absolute blast from start to finish. Truly MAKES YOU FEEEEEL LIKE A SAMURAI

This game is so annoying. There are elements of it where I'm like wow this is great. As a star wars fan you will be satisfied. But I feel a lot of the game falls short with trailing missions, combat designed for babies and a pointless upgrade system. I will attempt to get through the extra side content in the following week's. However, it all seems a bit too much. I feel the game is very ambitious and at time it lands and feels great. Other times u are left wondering why they chose to do that? All in all tho I believe its a solid experience as a star wars fan.