Honestly my reaction mirrored Cronaldo's there when I learned they made a succesor to one of smoothest sports games play like every game is on Antarctican soil and remodelled the audience to tank the cutscene framerate at the time. Can your pc run Crysis? Yeah? Bet it can't render a game on Bernabeu without having an aneurysm.

Wasn't this about nothing personal fast as fuck cyborg ninjas or something, why am I mounting a dragon in an empty world looking for minerals? One might say that they want a bigger slice of the mmo cake, what cake might I ask? Shit's already mouldy and I don't want it, great that you can customize wives better now I guess.

Of all the things you could've taken from Blood you chose the spiders? No dynamite naturally so we gotta stick to a shockingly unsatisfying arsenal for pest control; there's an unlimited ammo blaster that feels like a car washing hose, a laser blade that IS effective but for whatever reason has Oblivion's melee sound effects(?) a joke that I'm missing perhaps, but I'm left longing for chapter 1's powerhouses that don't let you take your paws off the triggers. Levels are plentiful but they're so long and tedious, would need a vacation to finish them all. Fuck this smug asshole.

-"Father! Is... it over?"
-"At long last... No wrath baby rules forever, my son."

Lady Lyndis, what did we say about going to war without underwear?!

Have always wondered why it felt less endearing than vanilla but I think I can finally put it into words. Entering Orgrimmar initially felt like a breath of fresh air, witnessing this crowd of undisciplined beasts, animals and cadavers; constant spam of /laugh and general chat's edgy and "would you rather" jokes, yeah try to rest them weary bones and you'll get a fresh taste of a troll rear end where your eyes used to be... Dancing naked on mailboxes??? That's that ally pussy shit, WELL our knife-eared crack addicted friends kinda denied that notion. Complaining? Nah more of an observation, as a matter of fact my belf pally NEVER had gold problems (always kept her shoes on the action bar for visiting hub zones).

There is simply nothing that would make a man softer and a girl drier than the combination of terms fps and roguelike, it has been scientifically proven time and time again. Ziggurat could've at least been passable if it contained a grittier presentation, maybe leaned more into a heavy metal fantasy, because goddamn I've no idea what they were going for here. A mishmash of walking vegetables and slimes. Demons and undead that failed the DOOM audition. We got lost souls up in this bitch too??? Friendly tip, those are usually not the people's fondest memory from wads or otherwise. Naturally weapons feel like ass, but if I could at least gaze at some entrails I wouldn't have minded as much. Also holyyy, I've never muted music as fast in a vidya before.

Reading about this game in a magazine back in the day felt so surreal, Okami looked so fucking cool and its gimmick description made me :o I wanted to brushy brush right away, that being said my now jaded self hates Issun with the force of a thousand suns and thinks the game's little more than a theme park but one can't deny the charm.

Her name is Coco she is loco I said oh no!!!

Mad props to Spyro 2 for being pro gay rights way back then, even supported poly relationships, as well as WAIT WHAT???

As a humble Edonian irl... this was a scarily accurate representation of my diabolical (or should I say j'avolical) brethren, all we do is murder and shout swears. The fuck do you mean "mutations"? Jebem vam majku svima, I'm holding my wife Helena hostage till I get a proper apology.

"Pathetic, lifeless and dull" as a helpful party member would put. Maybe the expectation that Owlkot here would have more respect for their playerbase was misplaced (fool me twice?), Wrath of the Rattatas is, again, not a finished product... But hey, maybe with that new Warhammer game they get it right? :D Ten Thousand Delights, a blemish of a quest infamous for completely corrupting players' saves. Before we go full cope mode, open them peekers up fully for a moment and gaze that you are in fact dealing with the ENHANCED edition. EA, Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft - it raises the pitchfork just thinking that these names would release a buggy product, but some ruski fellas? Yeah that's gonna be an overwhelmingly positive on steam from me (now thankfully at a very positive). What exactly was enhanced and what the regular edition was like one can only guess, a candidate for Guinness most likely.

But I suppose in this age we are used to games not working as intended, so bugs aside what's so special about this cee arr pee gee? Honestly not sure what people think is so much better compared to the previous outing. Wrath is definitely much faster, shit goes down after only a few minutes and you're right in the thick of it, with almost a full party straight away and no need to scrounge for a tank just because you picked a wrong dialogue choice. Speaking of which, it boggles the mind that the designated meat shield Seelah is the companion most people seem to have a problem with; a bro pally with actually good stats, who would want that? Her voice actress sounds so bored to be in the game sometimes, I related. But she's not a cannibal sociopath so naturally we throw shade. The rest are either unhinged in some way or dreadfully boring anime castaways, actually had to roleplay my main character getting a lobotomy to keep the smelly cat around. But that too is a stay from Kingmaker which had one of the more obnoxious parties out there. And once those chompers are sunk deep into the combat part it really becomes clear that it's all just essentially Kingmaker+. Which if you don't know the drill, translates to brainstorming for hours for creative character builds, realizing that dipping a level in the stripper class enhances your skill with poles for a percentage... and for what? So the countless trash mobs would roll over even quicker? The special encounters are really the only outlier, bosses with an armor class too high to penetrate or more puzzle-y encounters that usually come down to just using the right spell. The sound of glasses being pushed up echoed and I've been notified that I'm actually supposed to change the difficulty to custom and manually set the enemy threat to a desirable level, as if anyone should have to do that shit.

Common praises claim that the mythic paths make the whole character building part more interesting as well as the story more engaging. You have to get to the big chungus path which will unlock this and that, really most of it felt flavorful and not at all impactful. Once I saw that these give special dialogue choices I expected some kino responses, ready to convince these demonic baddies with my own radiance, but nothing really came close to this; a reminder that, if you didn't know yet... the East also exists? At most I just brandished a holy sword yelling how compelled they are by the power of Christ, not as kino. The lich path sounded cool, giving you options to raise some companions and even soldiers, but at the end of the day you HAVE to lead a crusade regardless of-

Right, the crusade. Kingdom management was such an obnoxious feature, a barebones unfun simulator that you simply couldn't completely avoid (at most you could limit your involvement with it) no matter how much defenders pretended otherwise. But Owlkot did us one better. You know when you stumble upon that very mediocre looking Heroes of Might and Magic clone and wonder why in the hell anyone would play it instead of the real thing? Those clones still run laps around this primitive mess to the point that I was hard pressed to find as many defenders of it. It was at best met with "it's not that bad" and "just get the Toy Box mod to give yourself troops and make it much less of a hassle". Even then, I still hold respect for these troopers, willing to trudge through such long ditches of excrement just to get to the parts they actually enjoy. My contempt is held exclusively for the defense squad that genuinely thinks adherence to the source material comes before the FUN of a V I D E O G A M E, grubby little gremlins I hope your Arue body pillows catch fire.

us: ❌️ whole
you: ✅️ fucked
your marker: ✅️ fucked

Wish I could visit Guild Wars before it became Graveyard Wars. Often I hear these praises thrown at MMOs along the lines of not having to deal with randoms stealing your mobs or loot, pk-ing or griefing you out in the world; more lonely experiences that allegedly combine the best of single and multiplayer titles. And here I sit, twiddling my thumbs, longing for that asshole side of the genre, considering resubbing to Blizzard's giant but then remembering I'm not completely lobotomized. There could be hundreds, thousands of people playing Guild Wars at any given time, but you wouldn't know since they're locked in their own worlds, these sprawling instances, possibly having the time of their lives. My experience for the most part was akin to playing a Diablo game, except for occasionally being reminded of it being online and of my grubby east European roots by my character timeshifting, afflicted by the higher ping hex. But the game's damn fine and I can certainly see the praises, for the time especially. Classes are fun as fuck and experimenting seemed fun; creators genuinely nailed some of the fantasies like the necromancer being great at raising dead servants as well as peeling others' skins, making one wonder how this practice is approved of in the world of Tyria. Considering that you are able to recruit companions on top of having these summoned skellies, I didn't so much have a party as much as a fucking army. But combat is sadly all you can do in this, no profession leveling, nada.

To say that Guild Wars was a completely asocial affair would be a lie though. I couldn't experience its namesake and I'm not sure you can anymore, but the arenas were also empty 24/7, meaning I never got to see the lauded PvP side (maybe at max level?). It was still a pleasant surprise that people would whisper me in hub zones to do missions together. Coop makes it so much more fun and the community is genuinely friendly. Back in the tutorial zone I actually forced myself to look for players to help me clear high level mobs at the gates, something that isn't associated with any quests or necessary in any way. To my shock, a person in guild chat responded straight away that they'll be bringing their alt to help in a few minutes. The pre-searing area of GW is one of the comfiest zones ever and some players even have alts that simply never leave it, never advancing the story that ravages this peaceful land akin to WoW's Cataclysm that came 5 years later. They reach max level with these characters in just the tutorial world, a dedicated grind all for the purpose of helping the newbie community and bragging rights I suppose for that sweet cheevo. Clearing these dumbass charr alone at such a low level is suicide, but proved easy with just a duo. Guild Wars is still a fun time and playing it with others makes one forget about the loneliness of the instanced world.

I did make one mistake when I asked this helpful person what they think of Guild Wars 2 and if maybe it would be worth playing over the original. Their personality did a 180° switch, as what I can only assume was some deep rooted PTSD and hatred I wasn't aware of. They proceeded to curse at me in 5 different languages, after which I got DDoS-ed and repeatedly doxed. It came as a slight surprise that I woke up one day to find my family murdered by an unknown assailant - blasted fool forgot I took monk as my secondary so I rezed them up without a hitch.