As a young'un I was so obsessed with this game for a period, sadly my middle school friends judged it harshly for its juvenile artstyle. In the age of God of War/RE4/DMC3 edge Molyneux's childish adventure stood no chance, so I went with the only reasonable tactic for making them play it - lying. You'd marry your wife then have to keep her happy else she'd cheat on you, I said. You could catch her in the act and have a choice of either correcting with your fists or taking it to court. If kept happy though she would give you a child. The child would grow on the course of your journey and even come adventuring with you. You could be a kind town mayor amassing wealth beyond measure or a cultist leader that sacrifices populations to sheitan for demon wings that of course enabled flight. The people you beat up as a kid would come for you later in the game Mordor's nemesis style, but assist you in boss fights if you helped them Dark Souls style.

Naturally, I wasn't aware of the controversies surrounding Fable as I invoked the king of lies. God bless you anglo bastard, may your dental surgeries go well.

What braindead baboon thought that putting an unwinnable fight in the crucifix chapter would be a good idea? I even built tanksus...

@ my other 1/5's, I do pity you; sure you've committed homicides but sharing a cell with a multicharged pedophile sounds rougher than you deserve sometimes

Loosely based on Gogol's Dead Souls

all these gun puns and you couldn't talk it over with disney to include the gungans???? bet you didn't even try, this is what's wrong with modern gaming

YEEP sips monster they really throws away dollaridos on gmanlives patreon don't make them like they used to parts receding hairline

I confess, I love my son a lot. Yes, it should come to no surprise that a handful of us backloggd users are old enough to be blessed with offspring of our own. Being a young'un still, he gets a lot of pleasure watching me disintegrate myself with a rocket and shouting a plethora of gamer words as I get killed by the slowest moving imp projectile I never registered. My rages are something like cinema for the little rascal (though arguably less fun than window staring), and I'm somewhat envious; back in my day, we were forced to watch our parents connect same colored balls on their highscore grinds. A time when cacodemons knew peace for our caretakers would never corrupt us with demonic viscera. And I admit, parenting isn't my strongest suit; I should be stricter, avert the little devil's eyes from harmful media. But does it matter if we enjoy our father-son time together?

ps: Yes, at an age I find appropriate he too will be allowed to go chasing his brightest, scorching stars. To preserve his innocence, however, we will start with something like Pokemon Sun - I mean just look at him!

very simple and easy and charming and for kids but it's not made by nintendo therefore it's bad

As a kid I thought the reason more aliens spawned after killing strippers was simply because the ladies were aliens themselves. Realization of the truth was painful, as "do you feel like a hero yet, Duke?" echoed in my noggin.

it means "grandma" in my native language, I thought the title was insulting my cognitive abilities but then I got filtered...

A New Hope complete with bootleg Leia and moustache Luke