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tdstr finished Chimpology
if Pitchfork reviewed this game: Funny monkey peeing in his own mouth EPIC

18 hrs ago

1 day ago

tdstr finished Super Mario Bros. 3
got about halfway through world 7 and it's starting to hit that point of being too difficult to be fun so i figure it's best to tap out before I stop enjoying it, even as far in as i am. maybe i'll go back and finish it someday, who knows.

it's a classic platformer, it's good. most likely one of the hardest 2d marios we're ever going to get, which isn't always a good thing, but it makes the levels generally feel much more fulfilling to complete than some modern offerings like Wonder. just about as much as you could really squeeze out of a platformer on the NES but a lot of the levels still end up blending together, sadly. obviously plenty good for the time but also a part of that era where progress was so rapid that World was only about 2 years down the line when this came out lol

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tdstr followed pladica

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tdstr wants Resynth

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