106 reviews liked by scartoludico

I played this before, back at the height of its controversy, and going back to it now it's impossible to imagine a game this mundane and small lead to...well, Gamergate and all the harassment and bullshit and awfulness that came with it. Just completely bonkers that somebody played a small, personal visual novel about depression and went "FEMINISTS MUST DIE!!!!" I don't really wanna examine all that, others have done it better, but it feels impossible to review this game without at least mentioning it.

Depression Quest succeeds at what it aims to do, which is how I typically judge a game. The writing gets a little hokey at times, but it's rarely BAD and is, at its best, really good. And it was fun coming back to it now, where I'm in a leagues better place mentally than I was when I initially played it, and seeing how my answers and choices changed. Being able to trace my own story, with finding the guts to see a therapist and growing brave enough to truly depend on my support system, and see it mirrored in the protagonist felt sort of warm and nostalgic, and it inspired in me a lot of affection and tenderness for the younger me who couldn't imagine ever feeling this good.

It's nothing mind-blowing now, and I've played better text-based games. But when it came out, it really and truly was something different. It's easy to brush that off now, when this sort of game — and games revolving around mental illness more broadly — are more commonplace, but it really did do something new. Something with — as we'd all see in the months and years that followed — real and genuine risks. I really enjoyed coming back to it.

One of the main reasons I have a Facebook....was all the rage for those early days. One of the first games to capitalize on the idea of daily tasks and energy usage, in my experience.

Don’t know why I bothered spending time on FB for this.

I prefer Midnight Shadows but Night Alone is still very fun. some of the sections/ collectibles are a bit annoying to get but they're certainly doable. I got all of the other achievements in 9 hours which makes the 50 hour playtime achievement a tad excessive. I'm not THAT bad... This was far nicer playing this on PC than on the tiny Vita screen I played it on originally, It really showcases the details in the artwork which is lovely

Its a very cool game but it gets very infuriating

played this with my bf but i had to stop b/c of how unforgiving some of the enemies that attack you in this game, like i stopped being scared + was more upset + mad b/c i have to redo a lvl 3x over just to cross a bridge

- the way i was excited to play this game when the trailer came out + 1 hour later i was so over it
-i cant even remember the plot b/c i was so mad at the game mechanics omg
-full of jumpscares, typical scary yokai monsters but you play as a 16 year old girl trying to find her sister/ friend ??
-i love my own sister but aint no way im trying to search for her alone in the middle of the night omg

Fuck you Square Enix for delisting this gem and making it basically unaccessible on any device that has at least Android 11.

I was enjoying this game until the last few chapters. Then the story started moving way faster and I didn't feel a good sense of conclusion for all the build up in the first half of the game. I didn't hate the game but I didn't like it as much as I wanted either

You can tell the developers REALLY liked NieR. If you like NieR you'd probably get some enjoyment out of this game as well, very decent for being made by only a few people.

Definition of mid. Still fun tho.