Extremely solid game but the biggest issue is the enemies feel repetitive by the end. Still fun for what it is. I'd like to see them do a second one and iterate on this a bit more.

Huge fan of this one, would have loved another season. Yeah the engines showing some age here as well but, I love the characters in this and as a huge fantasy fan, I am forever disappointed we never got more of this.

For a time, this was everything I'd ever dreamed of in a Dragonball game. It had its jank for sure but it was great in a number of other ways. Solid, but means more to me sentimentally than it may to non fans.

Wasn't as crazy about this one, series had started to show its age and it was like 'wrap it up already'. The magic had left by this point.

One of the finer Telltale outings in my opinion. Had a lot of fun with this one.

Better than it had any right to be, but the jank of the engine really hits in this one, lots of crashes. Still good, tho.

I would give anything to get a third one of these, just a fun Batman tale, bit janky given their engine was showing its age by this point. But I still enjoyed it.

If you like the base game, this is just more of that. Though I feel it does make it run a little longer than it needs with an already bloated main game. Still, for what it is, great. Would have probably meant more to me if I'd played the game on release, then this months after.

A very solid game albeit a tad overrated. Still, as a fan of Guerrila Games from their heyday of Killzone, I'm happy to see them have made something this solid.

Never beat it as a kid but loved it, in spite of that, present day it has not aged extremely well. But I respect it for once being an innovative, fun little racer.

The epitome of a 'fine' video game. Played it with a guide, beat it in an hour, it does everything the great Metroidvanias do, slightly worse, but solid enough for a run through.

A lot of improvement in this but it has some issues with the whole value proposition IMO. It feels like more of Hot Wheels Unleashed 1, which I loved, with a lot of good improvements. But I'd imagine this one will need to cook til the 3rd iteration to really see anything too crazy. Still, solid.

Probably the best Need for Speed in the PS4 generation, I liked it a lot in spite of its online nature. Solid game marred by a lot of modern technical bs.

Near perfect game except a few issues with that third act feeling like it undoes everything. It's still one of the best RPGs I have ever touched and worth the 70 something hours I put into it.

Desired to like this but something about it never hit right. It's 'fine', but with so many classics I've yet to play, this felt like a waste of my time.