Nice game. Gorgeous art style and loved the music/sound design. Actually kinda wish there was a bit more to the cooking mechanics and it wasn't over so fast, but a good time for sure.

Definitely one of the less "necessary" remakes in recent times, given that the original still looks pretty good for a decade-old game, and this remake does basically nothing to address its jankier gameplay elements.

The environments certainly look nice but I can see some complaining that it looks too clean. Also visibility was a bit of an issue in this version - the visual signposting for what to do next is pretty terrible at times, and I got stuck way more than I remember in the original.

Again, the clunkier aspects are largely unchanged - the controls and some of the puzzle elements are as fiddly as they were back in 2013, for better or worse (I'd say worse).

Indie games have come a long way since 2013 so I can imagine many coming to this game totally fresh may find it a bit underwhelming. I was glad to revisit it, but this hardly feels like the definitive take.

What a breath of fresh air this was. For the first 80% or so I would rank this as one of the best RPGs I've played in years. Loved the art style and the voice acting. Great variety of tones and genres between the chapters.

The final chapter is a massive slog, though, and I didn't enjoy it much at all. I ended up copping out for the "bad" ending because I couldn't be bothered to go through the boss rush. I was just exhausted by the end.

[Emulated on Steam Deck]

Y'all are weird. The ending was mildly amusing but these ironic meme games just make me feel out of touch and give me a headache. At least it was only 12 minutes long and looked kinda pretty.

I've always preferred the Horizon games and this really solidifed why. It's so technical and boring, made worse here by forcing you to work through a bunch of tedious busy-work in the first hour of the game.

Multiplayer sucks too, namely the inability to just drop into matchmaking and quickly race. I ain't got time to hang out for 20 minutes before a race lmao.

Shame as it looks nice and the core racing is solid. A letdown, though.

I thought it was pretty good within its own fairly confined constraints. If you enjoyed Mike Bithell's other games this unsurprisingly shares a lot of the same DNA though the IP branding might bring loftier expectations for something bigger. My first playthrough took me just under 2 hours, and it's easy to skip through the dialogue to test out other dialogue/story permutations.

The writing is really evocative and I liked the art of the panels, but it really just felt like a small part of a larger story. Hoping this does well enough for more to be produced. The defrag mini-game was so-so - I didn't love it. Overall enjoyable for Tron/Bitell fans but nothing that'll set the world on fire. I think for a budget asking price it's a fair effort.

The idea behind this is really inspired but the execution is a little hit and miss. Fundamentally having to pay attention to the horizontally-scrolling note highway makes it hard to pay attention to the fighting at the top of the screen.

It's pretty basic stuff but honestly not bad - worth checking out when it's on sale.

Love the art style and the minimalist story but the clunky gameplay really lets this one down.

It's very focused on trial-and-error, and while the checkpointing is generally very good, moving around the game world doesn't feel good at all. The controls are incredibly loose and I often died feeling like it was the game's fault rather than my own.

The boss encounters are also... not great, with how vague the objectives are, and how much repetition it asks of you upon failure.

A fair effort from the devs but the rough edges and overall lack of polish make it a step below things like Little Nightmares.

[DID NOT COMPLETE - played 1 hour approx]

I knew this wouldn't really be for me but I gave it a try as it's on Game Pass. First and foremost the art direction and world-building are really impressive but the edgier-than-edgy writing and generic gameplay turned me off pretty quickly. Easy to see why it's selling well but I really didn't want to spend 15-20 hours playing this.

Not gonna lie, this game was hilarious despite its obvious shortcomings.

First and foremost the whole PUA shtick is just super lame at best and calculated/misogynistic at worst. Even if you accept this game is made for awkward men to pick up women, advice like "angle a girl away from her friend so it makes her less likely to bail on you" comes off as very predatory.

That said some of the options are super funny, and the game is shockingly vulgar at times. It's fun trying out the cringe options and watching the PUA fail.

Also the acting is pretty decent throughout - bar a few dodgy performances most of it comes off as quite natural.

Technically it's kind of a mess, though - dialogue often cuts off early and I had like 4 crashes on a 3-hour playthrough.

This is a guilty pleasure for sure.

I didn't do enough research before playing this and that's on me. I was expecting a cosy, straight-forward indie but this has a time limit, health management, rain mechanics, and a total lack of hand-holding which wasn't really for me.

It looks absolutely beautiful though and the music/voice acting are fantastic, so I can't bring myself to score it below 3 stars. It just wasn't the chill game I was hoping for.

Very pretty but the gameplay is super rudimentary and the story wasn't as emotional or interesting as I was hoping for.

Very cool for both a free game and a glorified April Fools’ Day prank.

Overall a pretty simple visual novel but the charming writing and pretty visuals make it a nice relaxing sit.

The platforming levels break up the gameplay nicely though the last few were a bit too difficult for the chill vibe the game was otherwise shooting for.

The mystery isn’t amazing by any means and the big reveal is basically a cheat because there’s very little opportunity for the player to guess it, but as a free 2 hour experience this was good fun.

So torn on this. It's got a neat concept, some gorgeous background visuals and a lovely score, but the trial-and-error gameplay is absolutely excruciating. The visual signposting for what to do next is pretty lackluster and poor checkpointing means you're gonna hear the same narration over and over and over again.

It looks nice enough, but that's really where the praise for this thing ends. The script is hilariously on-the-nose, the gameplay is tedious, and by the time we got to the third chase sequence I couldn't be bothered to keep repeating anymore. I bailed.

Also the live-action sequences look like they were shot on my DSLR. Awful.