Well, I got the quick ending which was quite depressing so right on theme :)

God, they were right about the warning at the start of the game. I am someone who does not do well with horror in different mediums, for example I refunded Alan Wake 2 after the first jumpscare but since this game did not feature a traditional scary aesthetic I thought I would give it a go. But, god my anxiety was off the charts and I felt genuine fear with every line after Sayori killed herself and when I was not playing I could not stop thinking about the game which shows the impact which it had on me. Most games stuggle to get me to care about the characters but this game does everything in its power, and I cared about all the characters apart from Natsuki, probably because I went for the Yuri storyline instead. The game is not a great game, considering the limited involvement which the player has in the game but I couldn't care less as the plot is just so good and so terrifying with unsettling elements. I have never seen a game, have the user needing to delete a file in order to continue and that just displays how unique this game is. After this, I am definitely going to try and get the other ending and check out Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! and this game is a definite recommendation but just be prepared for what will occur.

(Completed in TMNT Cowabunga collection on PS5)
I actually think this game is better than Turtles in Time on SNES, obviously the game does not look as good as it was released on the Game Boy compared to the SNES and there are less moves which you can use to defeat the enemies. However, the gameplay did not feel as repetitive and monotonous and this was one of the problems which I had regarding Turtles in Time. Additionally, this game uses the console power to its full ability with the inclusion of cutscenes which shows the developer actually wanted to create a good game rather than simply achieve high sales. Depending on the turltes which you use, it changes the weapon which is admirable as they could have simply used the same turtle since you can't tell the difference due to the graphics being black and white and the turtle which you use it changes the cutscene. Also, its nice that they included the themesong. Overall, I think this game has aged well and even though its short it should definitely be checked out.

(Completed in TMNT Cowabunga Collection on PS5)
TMNT Turtles in time is a game which I have a complicated relationship with. There are some elements which I think are great such as the artstyle with it being very visually appealing, the use of iconic characters from the show rather than simply inventing new characters that other games based on licensed materials like to do and the fluent controls. However, I found this game so difficult for some reason and it just felt like a nightmare to complete and felt physically angry when I kept dying especially in the Jurassic era of the game which definitely impacted my enjoyment. Additionally, the gameplay felt very repetitive and monotonous which was problematic when going between the different sections of the game and when the game did try to spice it up and create original content; it felt worse than the main game such as the sewer portion. Overall, I think this game is a product of its time which was likely really good back in 1992 but has not aged the greatest.

(Completed in Anniversary Collection on PS4)
After rewatching the AVGN episode on Simon's Quest, I thought I would check out the original game and I tried to play it on the NES Classic Edition but boy is that thing a piece of shit if you try to create a save state the console just switches off and you lose your progress, so instead I played it in the Anniversary Collection. I love the aesthetic of the game with it being inspired by the Universal Monster films which is shown through the credits of the game. In addition, the level design is distinct between the different stages of the game which is good and helps convey the different monsters which you encounter. However, god this game is difficult even though the game is quite short as when Simon is knocked back whenever he gets hit and this happens a lot; mainly due to the Medusa heads and the Hunchbacks and I have not felt so angry when playing a game in a long time so be prepared if you choose to play the game. Overall, considering this game came out in 1986 it has aged quite well and it should definitely be played to this day which is helped through the collections.

The worst DLC which I have played so far as I was expecting to play as Batman with his first suit, but no Joker and Quinn who were not even in Detective Comics #27.

A poor DLC like the other Lego Batman DLC's with no interaction between Batman and Joker with an annoying narrator trying to do an impression of Michael Caine's Alfred which did not need to be included

Pretty poor DLC with no interaction between the squad members and an annoying narration from Amanda Waller and instead of actually doing a boss Battle, Waller just says the squad defeated Killer Moth

It just feels like Traveller's Tales games was only interested in including a lot of content rather than simply creating a good story with a lot of care. This game should not have been called Lego Batman, it should of been called Lego Justice League because the game is basically just a justice league game and even though Batman is the main protagonist he only has a bit more screen time than the other league members. The game is not bad but there is nothing added which screams quality like the first two Lego Batman games which is the same way which I feel about the recent Lego games like Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga. The look of the game was visually appealing which is great for a comic book project, and most of the suits were comic accurate which was great especially compared to the comic book films which are releasing. The DLC was under whelming, as TT Games thought it was a good idea to have a narrator for each of the DLCs which made the gaming experience unpleasant such as someone trying to do an impression of Michael Caines Alfred which was just cringe-worthy. The only good voice acting performance was Troy Baker as Batman which makes me wish Lego Games went back to the no voice acting and only murmurs. Overall, since I got this game for free by Selling CSGO cases it was an alright game but does not compared to the older Lego games.

Before I start this review, I totally understand why people are hating on this game. The game has a fair share of problems such as the game being live service, the squad being able to easily kill the justice league and Brainiac, the repetitive game-play mechanics throughout the game just to name a few. However, I just had a fun time when playing this game which is what you want when you play a videogame. I loved the chemistry between the squad, especially Harley and King Shark. There were humorous elements between the squad and the justice league members which you want when playing a comic book game. I loved the fact that they made Harley Quinn an actual character instead of only being a sexual character, which would get hate from Twitter for some reason because apparently she is a completely different character but she had her own opinions and believes and moved on from the Joker which is what you want from a character. Additionally, another positive aspect of the game is that the game looked great and I experienced a low number of performance issues through the game which is surprising regarding games releasing currently. Its just a shame that the game looks worse than Arkham Knight because of the lightning and therefore people have used this aspect as a way of hating on the game. I don't know why Twitter were surprised when the squad killed the justice league as its in the name of the game and its in a fictional universe where Batman defeated almost all of his rogue gallery in one night. However, I do believe that at least one of the squad members should have died to correlate the posing threat which the justice league displays. Furthermore, another problem encountered was the supporting cast as Amanda Waller, Rick Flag, Poison Ivy, and the Toymaker were under utilised and especially Ivy and Toymaker were really annoying. Moreover, the chemistry between Quinn and Ivy was really creepy such as Quinn saying in "Fun Size" when she is talking to a child so that was a bit unnerving. Overall, I loved the main squad and the league's chemistry and I'm glad the game played up to the ridiculous plot such as King Shark wearing the Green Lantern ring. I would've gave the game four stars but the ending was not that great as it is a live service game and they want people to continue playing which is annoying and I hope this model of games dies. If you enjoy the DC characters, then you should have an absolute blast with this game. One final aspect which I need to mention is the level of disrespect which has been shown to Kevin Conroy in order to hate on the game, he wanted to play an evil Batman and rocksteady were able to make that dream come true. But because Batman dies, people have been saying the game ruins his legacy such as IGN which is shocking from an apparent trustworthy news source.

A cool tech demo showing the capabilities of the PS5 and the PS5 controller which did not need to be included, but Im glad Playstation decided to include it for free. However, it is sad that most games have not been able to include all the functionalities of the controller.

I bet Sega were pissed, when they realised that Super Mario Wonder was releasing only a month after Sonic Superstars. Mario Wonder does everything ten times better than Sonic Superstars. One of the pro's of the game is that the controls feel fluid which made the experience positive. However, the cons with the game is that the level design is similar throughout the game and therefore it makes it difficult to distinguish between the different levels. Additionally, the music just loops constantly, which made me take out my headphones because it was giving me a headache. Overall, I would recommend just playing Sonic Mania as the graphics are more visually appealing and the level design is better.

So refreshing compared to the New Super Mario Bros Series. A breath of new light which the series required.

After playing the first episode of Batman the telltale series, I was wary for something similar such as Life is Strange. This game is much more superior, the game-play is significantly more endearing and the characters are more compelling. This type of game play, is still inferior compared to the traditional games which is why the rating is only three starts and the graphics are really outdated as the voice does not match up with the characters mouth but the first Episode creates a positive image for the rest of the episodes. Moreover, I am glad purchasing each individual episode buying model is over

This game showed me why I am kinda happy the telltale series has died, the story was interesting but the game play was really dull. The range of voice acting is so crazy, Troy Baker as Batman was really good but Batman using the voice modifier is really lame like Ben Affleck in BVS. However, the voice actor for Penguin was awful and made the cutscene difficult to watch. The first episode does not create a pretty picture for the whole game, but overall was better than I expected.