747 Reviews liked by shitpooper

uh... i beat this as a kid? there's no fucking way i'd have the patience to complete this again as an adult.

Uninstalled after 20mins of gameplay have to ride some horse in a souls game what is this crap. runs like shit too 30fps max need to mod it so you can play it

crappiest souls ever. not hard nor original, 150h of reused content and oneshots

Let's make a sequel to the exploration and ambience game and take away the ambience and exploration

The music and visuals are some of the best on the GBA, sadly the dungeon roster is super lacking and the overworld exploration is just completely fucked because of the kinstones and some really dumb progression gates.

I know I’m probably in the minority here but I just did not vibe with this game at all. I thought it had a lot of interesting ideas that just never really came together in a satisfying way for me. I enjoyed the combat and a lot of the new gadgets, but I thought the overworld and the dungeon designs largely forgettable. I straight up do not like the cloning mechanic and found many of the later instances of it to be incredibly frustrating, particularly when you had to use it in boss fights late in the game. I felt it required far too much precision…maybe that’s me being bad or the fact that I was using the godforsaken Wii U gamepad…. but it was really tilting me. Graphics and sounds were good but I’m putting this in the “mid” tier of Zelda games.

Was so sick of it by the end, felt like it just dragged on. Also did not enjoy the kinstones.

Strange that this game took out most of what I liked about the previous DS Castlevania games, which was very disappointing.

This game takes away much of the exploration that made me love the metroidvania genre, leaving you to put up with obnoxious combat that doesn't work very well with the game's controls and frustratingly annoying bossfights. I appreciate it when games are challenging, but this game is hard in annoying ways, like spongy enemies and forcing you into using specific weapons to deal reasonable damage to specific enemies thanks to an elemental system. The new glyph system is not as fun to use as just using weapons you picked up in previous games. The story has one interesting aspect, then everything else about it is forgettable.

My feeling on this game are simple, they toned down the freedom of exploration the previous games nailed which makes me sad. It's honestly a sad way to end this style of Castlevania game.

Big baby ain't got shit on Solid beefcake.

Turn based stealth game where you find yourself frequently pausing the game to put on band-aids, play dress up, and eat weeaboo rations. Unimaginative boss designs that lack the depth of one's previous, having been watered down to the complexity of later Mega Man titles. Bee Man was inspired but by the time I made it to Space Man I was beginning to achieve a much deeper understanding of Cribbage Man's tragic demise. Kojima would not master putting the player to sleep until 2010's Peace Walker... however that game had a half decent mecha. And Doritos.

kojima is overrated miyazaki owns him

I've never played a game that was so praised and so crappy in my life. Terrible controls, terrible camera angles, very problematic AI. I tortured myself for 2 hours just to understand the compliments...

Take all the good things out of the original two Metal Gear Solid games and this is what you get. Shame...

The gameplay feels like ass

terrible gameplay, atrocious story and laughable characters. Shit

Nothing immerses me more in immersive first-person games than having to witness an immersive DOOM 2016 first-person animation each time I pick up an audiolog, sadly they didn't go all the way and implement laborious canned animations for picking up every individual item like in the beloved immersive first-person game THIEF 2014. The maintenance level was the dark spooky area in the OG, so naturally the brilliant minds at [REDACTED] made sure that it was the most well-lit place in the game while the rest of this authentic Prey remake looked like Doom 3. You can't write notes on the map because that's lost technology (just like free-aiming or going prone) and we need to have platform parity for the sake of the five people who backed the kickstarter of a remake of a PC game to play it on their Xbox One back in 2016.