746 Reviews liked by shitpooper

what a horrible piece of shit. you can apply all the resolution tweaks and game altering mods all you want--you're still bandaging a rough corpse of a video game, a shallow followup to some of stealth's finest. basic movement is fucked, every single action is clunky and awkward, guard AI interaction is ridiculous, and the simplified level design leaves an ugly taste in my mouth. a game not even worth finishing its first level.

I am horrified to find out that people liked this game more than SH2. The levels are so uninspired with much more tedious combat encounters. I also managed to miss picking up 3 maps in a row, which combined with the repetitive level design made it hell for me to progress.

You can see this was a rail shooter originally

silent hill for simps, herry was much better protagonist

You need to have a lobotomy to play this.

"Praise Allah, as he hasn't let Magipoka to be discovered by the Nu-Azutards."
Al-Pachira, 65:4

pewdiepie had an army before bts did

Awful controls, voice acting, combat, etc. Very terrible game, but honestly an incredibly charming snapshot of the culture of the time. Dumb as shit but still worth a try just to see how absurd the dialogue and cutscenes are.

This feels like the type of game that DarkSydePhil would unironically enjoy.

yv deserves better than a novelty game that controls worse than super noah's ark 3d

I've tried to get into Morrowind so many times over the years, and it just never sticks. One time I found myself falling in love with it mechanically, gleefully playing with spell construction, but eventually fell away from it when I got tired of being sent across the barren fucking map to deliver a message over and over. I think at this point I should give up and accept that what I'm looking for does not exist in TES before Oblivion. No matter how much I try to wander through Morrowind hoping to find charming little stories like you get in later Bethesda games, I won't find them. In game books are a really nice supplement which I enjoy, but they don't make up for the utter lack of character anywhere in the game world.

Morrowind is loved by TES lore purists and hardcore RPG players alike and while I share many of their preferences, this just doesn't come together into a cohesive whole at all. There's no flavor to the world. Each area feels the same, NPCs are not individuals you can speak to and learn about, etc.

It's a pity, because mechanically I really enjoy what's here. It has this unique way of making the game really difficult to play straight-up, but teasing you with all these different skills and methods of progression that are just asking you to abuse them. It's such a fun sandbox to play around in, I just wish there was any life in it.

you'll get more out of the in game books and Michael Kirkbride's inane rambling and sick as hell pen sketches than you will playing this shit. sorry, millenials

It hasn't aged well at all. And that was already the case 10 years ago. I've quit this game as many times as I've picked it up, everything about it is just janky and the boring fetch quests that the game starts you off with don't help at all. A lot of people keep fanboying this game out of nostalgia for their childhood, and that's alright, but as someone who first tried the game 10 years after its release I just never could get into it because of the sheer amount of jank.