Very fun in my opinion, especially with friends. Can't really run out of things to do.

i enjoy the game but lack the patience to complete it. fair in the most unfair way.

i know this game is a joke but i still hate it. gives me migranes

A fun little casual game to play with friends.

I've been trying to play this game forever but I just can't get into it.


Decent game, mild horror, not my type of game.

Shut the fuck up sam Im not playing the new update

A good game but I could never get into it.

Enjoyable, not as much as the first HL2 though.

To this day I still can't enjoy this game enough to finish it.

This game made me insufferable for a while but I deeply appreciate the changes it made on my tastes. Played this game in a period of my life where it was somewhat needed.

I personally found this game very relaxing and a great waste of time.

It is a meme game and plays like one. Kind of fun for a short while but quickly grows irritating.

Unlike hand simulator, this one is bizarrely fun.

Great game, lots of fun. Infuriating on my first play through but still enjoyable, and still fun to replay.