I prefer Hotline Miami 1 on terms of gameplay but the story and level editor of Hotline Miami 2 makes it greatly enjoyable still.

Very fun game, though I can't play it for too long because I either get a migraine or derealize.

Was a blast to play with friends. For some odd reason I prefer this over 2.

Metal Gear if it was a cartoon. Loved it as a kid, and still love it now.

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game told me to die, 10/10

p5 but i can not play the game and instead just play tycoon for hours

I 100% this game including the extra content and loved every moment of it. It is very clearly inspired by other horror games (namely Silent Hill) but has such a great twist on the genre with frankly terrifying monster design, especially near the end of the game. Positively loved this game all the way through, and it even managed to get a couple good scares on me which is something that most horror games fail to do. Plus, the metahorror of this game is phenomenal and the message is incredibly befitting of the medium. My only issue with it is the occasional game-breaking bug that requires you to go back and restart from a save (which screwed me up a couple of times when I was going back without saving a couple of times).

Awesome game, basically a direct improvement of the SWAT series (which I personally adore). The game is very challenging and practically requires tactics and teamwork, but it is the most satisfying feeling to pull off well-coordinated maneuvers and have them succeed. Totally worth playing.


Genuinely the most fun I've had in a long time. Absolutely loved very moment of this game. Super fast, super challenging, superb game.

Really cool premise and style that get you interested in the story and then ends abruptly. I really enjoyed it (enough to play several times), but the game is incredibly short and just about everything is left to interpretation.