197 Reviews liked by silverware

Listen, if you don't fw the Pac, I don't fw you.

Is this game a commentary on the size of pockets on women's clothes???

style over substance: the game
also boring af

"and we are... THE PERSONA 5!"
yeah dropped the game after that line.

I respect it for what it had done for shooters, and I think it is an incredible game on paper. Its music goes hard, its setting is fun and it was funnier then I expected it to be.

However, I found the gunplay to be unpleasant and the level designs to suck. Many levels simply had you doing the same objective multiple times in very same-y, complex rooms. If I wasn't playing with a friend who already had experience with the game, I'd reckon I would have had a terrible time.

Overall, that was SURELY Halo 1.

disappointed but ringo ass is super fuckable



If you don't like Papa Nier OR this game.
Don't interact with me.

kaname date.....................................

This game is fun or frustrating with no in-between. If I knew what skills the game wanted me to have, I'm sure it would be less frustrating for me, but as it is I got about halfway through the main story and had to call it quits.

These denpa games are literally what zero pussy does to a mf 😂