my first exposure to black flag because i was too poor at the time to play the actual game itself. literally got this through gamesharing on PS3 back in the day lmao. I guess I enjoyed it for what it was tho

optimization for PS3 was so fucking ass that the framerates and levels themselves were absolutely broken. worse than any other AC game before and after it. seriously fuck this game lol

They fixed the remaster I guess.

My first AC game, and for that my most memorable over the years. I guess looking back on it I enjoyed it, but watching videos about it, it doesn't seem to have aged too well.

If anyone ever tells you Odyssey is not an Assassin's Creed game, show them this. This DLC literally has the core elements of an AC story.

patch fixed the game making it one of the best remasters. wish the change was more evident in anything else rather than AC II tho lmao

Best AC DLC hands down, fight me.

Imagine the DLC being better than the base game itself lmfao.

Pretty fun, wish it was longer tho but what do you expect? Wish Harley's character after this game was treated with as much respect in Knight

Probably one of, if not, the best Arkhamverse DLC, pretty cool setting and you actually get to explore Wayne Manor for once which was a win for sure

very immersive. best WW2 game ever. can't stress enough on the immersion and enjoyment i had with this game.

very immersive. best WW2 game ever. can't stress enough on the immersion and enjoyment i had with this game.

poor mans CoD tbh but from what i remember still pretty fun