"Yeah, it was."

Still the best game in the Uncharted franchise and peak Uncharted in general. Everything about this game improves on the previous three and then some, elevating the standard even higher than it has been. Not only is the gameplay refined, but so is the story telling and atmosphere.

One of the most emotional games I've ever played, and it packs even more punch having replayed the entire series consecutively back to back. The final few cutscenes made me shed a few tears, something games outside of Red Dead 2, TLOU1/2 and Telltale Walking Dead haven't largely been able to do.

As for the gameplay, I only really have one gripe, and that's that it isn't hard enough. Replayed this one on hard too and it felt very easy in comparison to it's predecessors. However, this isn't a complaint, because the combat is a lot more fun aside from the melee combat (which Uncharted 3 still holds the title for).

This game leaves me wanting more, beyond Lost Legacy, but Nate's story is over. I hope either Sam or Cassie comes back for Uncharted 5 if it's ever going to happen, because I feel like Naughty Dog is at the very tip of the iceberg with it's story telling when it comes to the Uncharted series. Sure, the other games are pretty solid, and I enjoy the stories in those too; but they do not come close to this.

fortnite, more like, the next level of cinema. why else would christopher nolan screen 4 of his movies as well as a trailer for tenet on it?

The magnum opus of Assassin's Creed. This game has (almost) the best everything.

- The best protagonist
- The best story (in some respects)
- The best writing (dialogue, emotion)
- The best gameplay
- The best open world

...however, not the best Abstergo story. I could honestly care less about the Abstergo bits, those are the only parts of the game I do not like. This is made up for, though, with the fact that it's not that present.

Edward Kenway is such a cool character, I feel he's the best written in the series. His development is so interesting and he's just really funny, charismatic and such a fucking badass. The story itself is really good too, I love the work Darby McDevitt put into it. It feels very personal and emotional, the ending is especially heartfelt and always brings me to the edge of tears.

Gameplay wise, this is the best engine in the series. They took what AC III did and improved on it so much. It's so good that they tried to mimic it for two consecutive games, and unfortunately failed. Ship battles will never get old. I have so much fun fighting and boarding other ships. The map is large, but also feels small because of this.

I'm a long time fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise, I've been playing every since the release of the first game - and I am totally fine with the changes Odyssey brings to the franchise. It's a new experience, if Ubisoft had kept the same gameplay style they have all the way up 'till Syndicate I would've lowered my rating, but I love the gameplay of this game and I see no reason to have a fit about it.

The story telling is much, much better than Unity, Rogue and whatever Syndicate could ever muster. It's also a tad bit better than Origins, but Origins has some elements that make it a tad bit better as well.

Main criticism from others for this game is "it doesn't feel like AC" or, "where are the Assassins?" but this game still possess the core elements of an AC game:

The Cult of Kosmos, literally the earliest incarnation of the Templars. They're very essential to AC lore because this is where it all starts, it is literally talked about in the ending of the game once you kill every member of the Cult. Alexios/Kassandra are literally the ones responsible not just for the Templars but also the Assassins. It's a prequel within a prequel, and the DLC Legacy of the First Blade just implies this even more with Darius, who was among the statues found underneath the Auditore Villa in AC II.

tl;dr - this game does feel like an AC game story wise if you actually give the game a chance, the gameplay is a massive improvement on Ubisoft's typical formula of recycling shit and it is one of my favourite games in the franchise.

I've completed this game twice and am on my third play-through and the game still manages to amaze me, the game is so detailed in the sense of world building you can find things you missed even after three play-throughs or more. Rockstar's best game imo, and their best graphiced game too. The characters are way more easy to sympathize with than any other of Rockstar's titles. RDR2 was the first time I ever cried over a video and for that I give it 5 stars, as well as my favourite game of all time.