Committing 9/11 on the school computers

It's a kirby game I had to actually look up the maps outside of the game to figure out where to go and there's some paths that don't actually lead you to a boss but instead some goal area that doesn't get you any closer to completing the game, then it sends you back to the hub area. It's not really how a metroidvania would be designed because it's kinda important the map closely resemble the levels instead of it still being normal levels with the map only being a grid to show how they connect, basically it's totally unnecessary to try making kirby a metroidvania. The smash power is cool though.

I was so obsessed with pokemon as a kid I got my parents to buy the japanese version of this off ebay before it had released in english because I was too excited to wait lol, was pretty neat to be able to get the japanese mystery gift event pokemon too that I'd previously only ever heard about on

I had a slight panic because I realized I only played this once when I was like 10 and wasn't sure if my fond memories were just nostalgia, so I replayed it and it was in fact still pretty good, just that I've found a certain style of 2d platformers I prefer over this recently that I like this a little less in comparison now.

The first cod I ever played but I played COD4, MW2, WaW and even COD2 not long after and honestly enjoyed those all more. I didn't like the map designs so much, there was the whole problem with everyone using ghost because there was no stopping power perk as a trade-off, some stuff like sniper ADS and shotguns were stupidly nerfed, a lot of other guns were too statistically similar to each other like certain SMGs only existing to be identical to others but have smaller magazines to justify having an akimbo attachment.

Must've been a pretty easy game because I remember when I was young I set a match to be 1 hour and kept scoring for 50 minutes until my parents told me we had to go out somewhere so I had to quit the match before properly finishing it, was pretty disappointing. Also that robot team is probably the weirdest mario character.

Strangely gameplay that's about drawing a ton of circles quickly was pretty fun from what I can remember a decade ago, though my main motivation was just to get the transferrable pokemon lol

I still like the multiplayer even though it should technically be worse than cod4, I guess the map designs are just that good (for some reason treyarch got way worse at that?), plus sniping was pretty fun in particular.

Level design is either dull or actively annoying and nearly every level feels like it mainly reuses the same 4 or 5 enemies. Bosses also felt like some have some straight up unavoidable attacks or misleading hitboxes and do way too much damage, while some other bosses have the laziest pattern of just moving back and forth from the sides of a boss room. The special weapons are kind of weird to use too and the upward dash is too slow to be any use fighting a boss that rushes at you, even the soundtrack's kind of annoying to me. I don't get how anyone ranks this as "like the first 2 games but a little worse", it's as bad as X6 imo yet managed to piss me off more. I wanna say that this being developed by the people that did the game boy mega man games explains everything, but that'd actually feel a little mean to say lol since I know nothing about the quality of those game boy games and it does feel like they put in effort to put in features they couldn't do in those like zero and the ride armors and more upgrades, though those also all kinda suck too. Also unfortunate the zero project romhack really didn't make me like the game any more even though it probably removes some annoying stuff.


I play the duckduckgo version (but I've never beaten it)

I played 80 hours of it mostly during season 8 and a little of season 9, enjoyed what I played and I was starting to enjoy arena mode even more, even if I'm not that good. People talk shit about it not having the exact same movement as titanfall but it's still a hell of a lot more over anything else like cod or battlefield. Sliding, how much you can climb over stuff, how much control you have while in the air, stuff you can do with ziplines, all the movement feels really nice, it's as boots-on-the-ground combat as possible while having really free movement unlike anything else I'm aware of. I also surprisingly like the gun damage balance like how many bullets it takes to kill, guns are like half the damage of in cod games AND everyone has shields that can double their health on top of that, and it actually works instead of feeling like you're not doing enough. It's also nice for hipfiring to be much more useful than in a cod game. Also it was fuckin vtubers that made it look fun and made me want to try the game out lol, I watched like 7 hours of one of minato aqua's streams she was trying to get to master rank solo, that feels important to mention here.

I played this once and there was this guy that kept being very ironic in voice chat about just saying these exact words like "4chan inside club reddit dank memes" and some person in the text chat kept saying "le [thing they did] XD".

The only not particularly fun thing is jet stringray's stage but at least the entire thing is the bike ride instead of having to redo a platforming part every time you die on the bike. Otherwise everything else is good and they didn't fuck anything up in an annoying way, I only wish there were more final stages to use your full movement since there's technically only one and a half before the boss rush when X and X2 had three full stages before their boss rush/final boss.

It feels like they resorted to some X5-tier stage gimmicks that are kinda annoying and assholish but not impossible, in fact 2 stages are literally the same gimmicks from that game, noble mandrago's is like axle the red's and heat genblem is like mattrex's. It even has ziplines but slightly worse because you can't slide across them, you can only jump, and there's some where it's a platform too but you have to fall through it while timing it right to still grab on to the zipline as it's also moving itself because there's also spikes that'll kill you if you keep standing on the platform and you can tell from the way I'm describing it I really did not like the 2 or 3 parts of the game that had that. Other stages felt like they had a little less interesting design overall too, but combat and movement is still good and they didn't ruin it with any annoying new enemies, I even cried a little at the ending (this is normal for me) so I can't really hate it, I was just not expecting this game to remind me of X5 in some ways and that's really fucking funny to me.

I counted and I'm pretty sure this literally runs at 6 fps, biggest thing I regret asking for as a kid.