This game made me want to play the harmonica!

A long and extravagant tale with just the right band of misfits. I give it half a star extra because I played the entire game co-op with three of my kids. A two-year experience I hope to never forget.

A certain eerieness that even a cold shower can't wash off. Not that you would want to anyway.


The game starts with this speech:

"Weiss you dumb, you better start making sense you rotten book, or you're gonna be sorry. Maybe I'll rip your pages out one by one, or maybe I'll put you in the gddamn furnace. How can someone with such a big, smart brain be hypnotized like a little ***, huh? Oh, Shadowlord, I love you Shadowlord. Come over here and give Weiss a big sloppy kiss, Shadowlord. Now pull you're head out of your g*ddamn and start *ing helping us!"

Need I say more?