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14 hrs ago

1 day ago

skylean finished Lunacid
Oof. This is a tough score to give. I really really really tried (and managed to, at least for a while) to enjoy the game. Progression is fun and the ps1 era vibes is also great (Could be better, the realistic fire on the torch, to cite on example, feels very uncanny), but the game has LOTS of problems from that era.
Clunky is the definition of the game. The game started with me killing every enemy twice because i didnt knew how to open a locked door, The requirement to unlock it was always very clear, a key that costed 1C from the merchant, but I had zero even after killing everything twice and also breaking every pot near the pit. I then thought "Okay, makes sense that snails don't give any money but there is no way I have to grind" and I did and that was the first problem I had playing Lunacid. It is terrible game design to lock progression behind a random drop that you haven't even told the player that it's obtainable! That's ridiculous and it was so simply solvable by having one single snail have a guaranteed drop... I then googled how the hell to get coins and then grinded for a bit to proceed.
All maps are labyrintic and the lack of variety within the same area + the lack of an actual map makes most areas a hell to navigate, and this is exactly what made me drop the game. It's unnaceptable for me the fact that a game focused on discovery/exploration is so unpleasant to explore like this. But it got way worse when the game makes an area terrible to navigate on purpose and punishes you if you stay there for too long. After loosing some hours of progress because of that, I can't see myself picking up the game again.
The combat is nothing spectacular, but it's fun most times, besides the fact that some enemies take too many hits to die and at the same time did almost no damage at all to me, like the first and only boss fight i faced.
The soundtrack is very hit or miss, while sometimes it gave me chills other times the songs feels very out of place, destroying the ambiance. Another stupid thing is the decision to show what song is playing, this breaks the entirely immersion of the game, bothering me a lot.
I really had fun with this game for a while, but it have way too many flaws for me to overlook and put in the work to recover the progress I lost, so i'm dropping it. If I can take anything from it is that indie devs must understand that it's not because the game is based in an onder generation that it can't learn and take advantage of modern game design.

1 day ago

skylean completed The Looker

3 days ago

skylean is now playing Lunacid

3 days ago

skylean finished Neon White

4 days ago

skylean is now playing Neon White

6 days ago

skylean completed Freeways
A very fun game that could be way cooler if they did at least the bare minimun like saving your best score or allowing you to undo/erase stuff

7 days ago

skylean reviewed Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
The announcement of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy initially blew my mind, given my fond memories of playing Crash as a kid. The excitement of revisiting these beloved titles was palpable. However, the trilogy primarily served to revise my perception of the Crash games. Sadly, the games didn't live up to the nostalgia. The platforming, which should be the core joy of any platformer game, felt fundamentally flawed.

The main issues with the trilogy stem from its physics and camera angles. The jump mechanics in the game have zero float, which, when combined with camera angles that do not adequately convey the distance to enemies or obstacles, creates a recipe for frustration rather than challenge. This is compounded by level designs that feature overly tight jumps, transforming what could be challenging gameplay into mere irritation.

Although Crash 2 and Crash 3 introduced new moves to Crash's moveset, offering a slight improvement, they were not enough to elevate the games. The additions made the experience slightly better but the games still remained far from the top of any list of satisfying platformers. The fundamental issues with the gameplay mechanics held them back, solidifying their position towards the bottom in terms of platforming enjoyment.

7 days ago

skylean finished Fallout 3
Fallout has a very captivating setting in general, and Fallout 3 is not behind with its great world building. The game's open world was a joy to explore, with intriguing points of interest always drawing me in. The RPG elements provided plenty of variety, offering different approaches to gameplay. Despite the generally weak and one-dimensional main storyline, the side quests and the environmental lore added depth to the overall narrative, which was very much enjoyable.

On the downside, the combat mechanics and balancing left much to be desired. They felt inconsistent, swinging between feeling overpowered and underpowered, which made it difficult to develop any meaningful strategy. The cities and interiors were confusing to navigate, often feeling like labyrinths with their lack of clarity, and Bethesda damn well knew this since there are signs everywhere. Additionally, I found there was a lack of substantial content within the cities and the world in general, with few side quests and even dialogues available compared to other games in the genre, making some cities feels like they just exists (Tenpenny Tower is a great example, there is simply nothing to do there after getting rid of the ghouls). Even the DLC content failed to meet my expectations, falling short of providing a satisfying expansion to the game.

7 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

skylean completed Baba is You

8 days ago

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