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FF12 grows on me the longer I reflect on it. The game's story felt like it came to an abrupt end, which at the time had me coming away from the game disappointed. However up to that point it was a really enjoyable experience.

The story isn't particularly deep, and if you're familiar with standard JRPG tropes, it won't do anything that surprises you. Regardless, it executes these tropes well.

The gameplay is incredibly unique. It's a blend of real-time and turn-based. You can issue direct commands to your allies, but the real strength of the game comes from Gambits- a mechanic that allows you to use simple conditional statements to automate the characters reactions to situations. All together you are left with a highly compelling combat system that's easy to learn but difficult to master.

The game has a great job system that allows you to mix and match classes and access unique traits on one job's board through the advancement of another's.

Despite the story not being anything special, the gameplay is very unique and (to my knowledge), hasn't been replicated in a way that compares. I find myself thinking about this game every few weeks with an urge to return and try new job combinations.