DRPGs Played

This is a small list of first person dungeon crawler JRPGs that I've played along with some brief thoughts about them. A few remain unbeaten, but I'll get back to those someday.

Will likely update the list with Demon Gaze Extra and Labyrinth of Zangetsu when I get to them.

A Remake of one of EXP's earlier DRPGs. Solid mechanics with a simple generic story of heroes confronting the demon king. Every playable character is unique with actual dialogue, but there is some freedom in customization since you can change their classes.

Difficulty level is on the easier side for a DRPG.

It's the first game in EXP's interconnected DRPGs.
The 2nd game in EXP's interconnected DRPGs. There's a number of references from SoSW in the game.

Unlike SoSW, this game is noticeably darker in tone and the gameplay matches it. There's a permadeath system to your generically created characters and the difficulty is overall noticeably harder in comparison.

With different endings depending on your alignment, this game as SMT vibes.
My entry into the DRPG subgenre and has a higher budget compared to EXP's other DRPGs. It's the 3rd game in EXP's interconnected DRPGs and has a few references to the prior games.

The tone is more in-line with SoSW than SoSC.

You have freedom in creating your unit. Story is decent, but not too special. NPC story characters do standout.

Difficulty is moderate, but can get challenging in the end.
My favorite EXP DRPG. Very colorful game with an interesting musical themed story. Every playable character is unique compared to DG1, but does lack the same level of customization.

The game is easier than DG1.

The game is a direct sequel to DG1 and has a few returning characters.
The latest game in EXP's interconnected series of DRPGs. The tone is more in-line with SoSC and dark overall.

The gameplay makes the biggest change in the series with updates to legacy skills and that every skill in the game will cost MP instead of just magic like in the previous games.

The game is challenging at times, but very forgiving that a party wipeout just brings you back to the base without significant penalty. It is also very flexible in experimenting with builds and classes since there's no penalty in respec stats, skills and classes.
Game is currently left unfinished, but gameplay was interesting from what I remembered. All female party are unique characters, but do have some freedom in customizing their classes.
One of the few DRPGs with a strong emphasis on the story despite how it initially appears. The same goes for the dark story despite the colorful presentation.

Unique and complex gameplay with the way the squad works, but exploration is one of the easiest in the genre with very few annoying traps to deal with.

Battles are mostly easy except for the notorious final boss and the optional ones. Game is also quite long at about 75+ hours.
Follow to Labyrinth of Refrain and takes place in the same universe, but with little connection otherwise.

Gameplay has improved across the board with more classes, dungeon mechanics and skill inheritance system.

The story is still quite good, but not quite as dark as Refrain. More likable characters too.

The loss of the thematic dungeons in Refrain as well as the story in them is my biggest negative with an otherwise very fun game.
Has similar SMT vibes and atmosphere. Party consists of the silent MC, a voiced female character and demons/angels you recruit.

The game isn't that difficult, but it has some of the most difficult puzzles I've ever dealt with in a JRPG. Said puzzles are mostly in the optional 100 floor dungeon.
Compile Heart's notable DRPG. The playable cast are all female with one support male lead character. Party consists of unique characters only and they have decent characterization and development.

The dark story is a highlight along with the eerie world.

The dungeon exploration and combat mechanics are all solid.
MS2 improved on the first game in many ways when it came to class changes and skills carryover along with some other Dungeon mechanics.

The story has a decent amount of plot twists despite feeling like a rehash of MS1 early on. This game should be played before the first game.
The final game in the MS trilogy. It has a very large playable cast and is known for having 3 major fixed parties that you are required to use and manage throughout the game.

It is very heavy on the dungeon exploration side compared to the two other games and less story in general, but it does a good job in concluding the trilogy.
A DRPG from EXP with a sci-fi modern JP setting. It is not related to the other EXP DRPGs.

It's a bit old and doesn't have subclasses compared to the others. The game is also noticeably challenging in dungeon exploration and battles.
The direct sequel to Operation Abyss with a few returning characters. Gameplay is similar, but does have the new subclass system.

Difficulty remains challenging.


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