i would give my left kidney for this game to be officially & properly translated to english

gore screaming show? more like gore screaming SHOW TITS!!!!
this game was an experience. i really miss when metawo ueda drew in this style. yuka deserved better

morishige is and has always been my wife. kizami is the bisexual with dyed hair we unicorn hunted on tinder.

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2 out of like 6 endings in & all I can say is that sweet pool has some balancing issues. would have preferred to see either more endings for the other "love" interests or have them treated more like side characters with secret bonus endings (a la trip and virus in dmmd). some good endings would be nice (especially for makoto. i think itd be cute seeing him normal and not. yknow. insane and cannibalistic. maybe a little insane but at least normalpilled enough to keep the protag alive)

didn't expect the spooky omegaverse (that apparently predates omegaverse?????). like at all I just saw tags I liked on vndb and clicked that shit!!!

if only the dev was not a total nonce and also full of himself

euphoria for gay people like me. there was poo poo involved and i was not a fan. aside from that it was pretty okay. enjoyed the bloody bits because i am the worst person ever. art was nice which is always a plus

good game, but i'd recommend modding it. got murdered.

piggsy freaked me the fuck out

that relatable moment when you die of dysentery

Introvert: A Teenager Simulator (2021) is almost a monument to the wasted potential of the Euphoric Brothers. While it was, by no means a good game, it shows genuine drive and passion not seen by their later, shittier mascot horror titles. It's a window into what could have been, had the dev continued on this track instead of selling out for brightly-colored horror games for sticky iPad toddlers, we could have had some modern-day cult classics steeped in gen-z cynicism. Oh, well. At least we have this bullshit. My hope is that after Garten of BanBan finally dies, the Euphoric Brothers will return to this style of game with a less edgy perspective, a higher budget, and more technical skill and make something actually worth playing. I have a feeling that if they do, they'll create a game that's truly spectacular, as opposed to being either pure teenage angst or the videogame equivalent of popcorn.

in love w this pc98 revival

been playing this game on various computers and consoles for like 8 years and ive still never finished it

pretty good for a game i only play while on either the train or the toilet