amazing story, shit gameplay. maybe it would be better on an actual ps2 instead of an emulator but idk.... i would kill for a remake.

i do not play very many furry games but perhaps i will now. this was good :]

i am so in love with this game. and the bodacious babes within.

petscop has changed me as a person.

i fucking love kitty horrorshow

one of the games i am playing.

i wrote an essay on this! it meant i could play a video game instead of doing actual work which is an immediate win.

would absolutely play again.

did you know the artist for euphoria also did artwork for maggot baits and fraternite. did you know ban'ya wrote scenario for some of rinne's route. did you know ban'ya exists. did you know i'm utterly insane?

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fun little ryona game to complete in a night.. i think it should've been way longer though like they bring in some super interesting ideas & you barely learn about them. sadistic blood sequel coming when. even though this was definitely only translated because of the like 3 hour runtime, i hope some other, non sadistic blood or gore screaming show, black cyc titles (especially gun-katana & the yami no koe and extravaganza franchises) get translated. and some of cyclet's shit too. not a bug fucker btw just putting it out there.

going to make my american boyfriend play this game

why was i out here playing this