boyfriends webcomic wishes it could be tomai (2020). feel good gay/polyamorous storytelling that manages to be cute & lighthearted without drilling just how pure and wholesome it's meant to be. also doesn't over or understay its welcome which is very much appreciated.

this game was my SHIT in 2017...


this vn is... patchy at best... but it has helped SO MUCH with my japanese practice so i'm giving it a pass and four stars. has really helped using a piece of fiction i'm interested in to learn the language, even if i'm aware that the translation is rather piss-poor. really appreciated the language switching feature. this game has HEART and i was surprised by that. it's a lot like my experience with a certain furry game in that i was NOT expecting anything of the sort.

kamige. having campaigned to get this on backloggd for months now, i am pleased that at least one of the sex kitten games made its way on here!! isn't my favourite of the series, but 2000s lolrandom edgy humor combined with stolen anime art is my favourite niche slice of internet nostalgia (ew).

this is objectively awful but idc idc idc it reminds me of my weird horrible disgusting childhood.

your takeaway from this review should be to never let your child on newgrounds.

velbearan is so based for adding this.. everyone say thank you

i was trying to buy this at cex & they id'd me (i don't carry any identification on me ever) and i cried because i wasn't able to run and get some. it was 2 minutes before closing. i'm pretty sure one of the employees had a totono pin

corporate has advised me not to share my opinions on rance (character). just know that id touch him in odd ways.

i wish there were more games like harvester. will be recommending this to every twin peaks fan i meet to the point it becomes obnoxious

would it be too myhouse.wad of me to call this ergodic gaming??

believe it or not this is actually the coffin of andy and leyley if it was based. super interesting exploration of codependency and how disgusting it can get

one of my good friends listened to the town inside me so many times that listening to it now makes them physically sick. they have not played the game. i have! i'm not a fighting game guy but i fucking loved guilty gear strive & this made me care enough to go back and play some of the others

not the best successor to everlasting summer but the art was quite nice and it was interesting enough for me to finish it

keep seeing people act like if you don't like this game you don't like csa survivors or don't believe stories about csa should be told and i think that is very odd. i personally am a csa survivor and while i think this game discussed the subject tactfully or whatever, it's also. a unity game and the developer's first published work (and has the backrooms tag on itch.io lol) and people are allowed to criticize the gameplay typical of someone's first published unity game. i thought it was very okay for a number of reasons but i the dream sequences were interesting. not very memorable though.