i honestly have no idea what this game was about but i think i liked it

the wallpaper was so good they made a game about it

> Plays for 50 hours
> Realization kicks in
> Wow this game sucks

"If your game is boring, let the modders fix it for you" -Sun Tzu

I honestly doubt anyone apart from Czechs has heard about this

Feels way too longer than it is for some reason

> gives you a toy
> takes the toy back

Much better games like this out there (I'm still salty they put 80% of the content behind DLCs)

i have no idea what i'm doing

never ask rico what he did during the vietnam war

One of few games I played in coop and still sucked ass

this was the game that made me a pirate

i'll never forget my leper and crusader bros

i have no idea how can someone read the suspects facial expressions and say "WOW THIS ASSHOLE IS LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH"