i change my mind some dickhead kicked me right before the end of our 20 minute session for no reason at all and i got literally zero xp and loot fuck you anon

shitty game for shitty people with shitty tendencies from shitty company using shitty practices fuck this game

and here i thought we wouldn't get any soulslikes this year how silly of me

if the main character didn't sound like Izuku Midoriya and it wasn't made by the studio behind Going Under i'm about 93% sure i'd enjoy this a lot more

we moved from the attack, dodge, attack pattern to stunlocking enemies without even moving truly a sequel worthy improvement
no but really why did they have to butcher the combat so hard i don't get it

i really don't have anything interesting to convey so i'll just say that my friend is a disgusting survival genre pervert who forces me to play these vulgar games with him and i hate it everytime
still another quote on quote masterpiece survival game everyone will forget about in 2 months and the sheer mention of it will send people into a deep state of deja vu

i've never been more thankful to a youtuber than i am now the game isn't actually dogshit !!

thought it'd be like Rain World and even though it kinda shares similiar aesthetic the game is pretty different and oh boy is it good i was really pleasantly surprised (and the fact one guy made the majority of this too like damn)
truly a game meant to be played apart from the cat chase that is that part fucking SUCKS


more interesting than fun honestly
don't really like the backtracking at all nor how complicated the map is like if you give me superpowers and the ability to warp dimension is the ability to fast travel too much?
either way the gimmick itself is cool but not enough to make up for the rest

no wonder it feels unfinished it's not even in the beta stage yet !!

if the word "inaccessible" was a videogame

atleast we got Minecraft from it

in this game pyro has an incendiary rocket launcher and soldier has two shotguns how rad is that

i understand pokémon about as much as my grandma understands computers and since there is no ingame menu to tell me which elements counters which etc. (yeah it's silly) most of the stuff goes over my head

however this fucking rules for a browser game though no?

this will be Assassin's Creed in 2013

it was about time we took this rotten western formula to defile eastern media as well. it's not bad enough to make you feel disgusting while playing but it's still so utterly bland and dull...
i can forgive the repetitive gameplay and nonskippable dialogue but come on at least let me cut down civillians to get the true samurai experience or something. it does look cool though.

me the son of butcher of iki and my father's murderers fighting the same enemy? ummmm.... awkward!!

it's fine i guess just more of the main game really (for better or worse). it's funny how everyone tries to gaslight Jin into thinking HE is the reason his father and countless people died like dude he was 10 years old?
one thing to note is that it spoils the ending within the first 15 minutes and cuts access to fast travel for majority of its runtime so DO BE AWARE !!

another piece of media that shows you should never try to revive corpses
me and my friend were laughing our ass off playing this but it's genuinely uncanny how soulless and shameless it is