sky tower soundtrack goes insanely hard

currently gaslighting myself that they will announce explorers remakes in tomorrow's pokemon direct

People seem to hate so much on Gates to Infinity -- and trust me I can see the obvious hurdles -- but it's a good 20-hour-ish game.

The story is great and definitely is on par with everything that Explorers put down. Side characters have semi fleshed-out personalities and backstories. There is an option to make sleep/totter/whatever seed farms which adds to the overall goal of your partner. It's very cute.

It's the extremely slow text speed, limited character roster and unwavering dungeon designs that make this game hard to get through. The first couple of dungeons and the final dungeons have the same layout and are all hallway spaghetti.

It's not as replayable as EoT/D/S but I had fun playing it nonetheless!

Definitely watch a playthrough if you are not as invested in the Mystery Dungeon saga but want to experience the story.

astarion hug >>>>> astarion kiss

the stories felt disconnected so i don't really see the reason why these people would stick together -- but that would be my only critique.

if you love a good old fashioned jrpg, this is the game for you. though, slightly overpriced for a game that already has a sequel out.

"screaming @ my boyfriend to do the dishes" simulator 2023

octopath traveler ii feels like a copy of its predecessor but in all the right ways. the battle system is just as good, perhaps even better with the addition of latent powers. the score is a massive bonus to the gameplay (although i was an IDIOT for not saving the epilogue on a different save file while they warned me and now i'm stuck in the shadowlands with a boss I've given up on beating). the bonus chapters you get where two characters interact give off a very 'found family' vibe which i love.

the only downside i see to this game is that the character stories feel a bit lacking. they don't have as interesting goals as in octopath traveler i.

in the end, it's just as good as the first one.

solidarity (noun):
when kratos cries, i cry (a lot)

don't mind me crushing the elite four with my lvl 100 flygon and rayquaza

ice types? who are they!!!!!!!!

didn't know nintendo would ever use mommy/daddy issues as a marketing strategy.

nevertheless, it worked.

not fun when someone keeps HOARDING THE DAMN ITEMS D:<