A fun time, but in a very novel "this game was made during the dark ages" kind of way. It has clunky controls, runs poorly, and looks like it was dragged through sewer water, but the concept is fun and if you are excited for armored core 6, it's an interesting and enjoyable blast to the past for a few hours

As a huge fan of both Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade X, I came into this game expecting to love it and am sad to say that I don't. To me this is an absolute embarrassment of a video game and contains nothing of what I loved about either of those 2 previous titles. It is slow and boring, with bad dialouge and character work. The first 3rd of the game feels like it was written for a different video game than the rest, filled with bad jokes and strange filler that leads to nothing. It's not the worst game of all time, but is certainly the one I personally hate the most. I wanted to enjoy it so bad, and how others can love it so much will never make sense

One of my favorite games ever which is a shame because this game is such a mess. It feels like such an experiment in every way, with so many weird problems that I have never seen in any other video game. I love it to death, but I cannot deny its issues

A fantastic and mysterious survival horror experience I have thought about every day of my life since I have played it. The atmosphere, music, gameplay, and story are all beautiful and engaging. Easily my favorite game of 2022 and now one of my favorites ever

A game that looks and feels like it was made during the dark ages, but after playing it I can understand why it was so impactful. It is extremely bold and trying so hard to push itself as much as it can, with a story that takes surprising turns even 25 years later. Its hard to find modern games willing to kill off a major character halfway through the game, even now. The worst part about this game is the Materia system and final boss, which are just more of a chore than anything. Materia also removes a lot of character development, since you are never incentivized to switch party members and homogenizes the cast combat wise. Still definitely a classic I'd recommend to any rpg fan.

A game I enjoyed for the most part with a satisfying gameplay loop and a visually impressive world, though a lot of my enjoyment came from experiencing the crazy bugs. Story and world building are pretty shallow, a lot goes unused or is underdeveloped. What I thought was the halfway point of the game was actually the end, which is always annoying, and it generally lacks all of the qualities I appreciate so much from The Witcher games. Definitely want to give it another swing when the dlc comes out and with all the bug fixes, but as of right now I do not look back on this game fondly

The best metroidvania ever made and it isn't close. Beautiful and fun all the way through. It is difficult to describe all the specifics of what makes it so good because it all just works so well as a cohesive whole


One of the most polished and fun roguelikes I have played, as expected by Supergiant's track record for quality. Story, characters, visuals, gameplay feel, music, etc. are all top notch, though unfortunately I have a couple of issues. Issue 1 is what feels like a lack of build variety. There are a lot of optons, but usually tend to feel kind of samey which made replaying it a chore, in comparison to other roguelikes I've sunk hours into. 2nd issue is that it is easily Supergiant's most derivative game, going off of pre-established greek mythology, rather than their other games which feel much more original. Still a fantastic game

A game with a lot of personal history for me, but outside of that is some of the best action gameplay I have ever experienced in any video game to this day. Everything feels so fluid and precise, with great enemy variety and array of bosses. Certainly some things to be desired, like pretty uninspired level design and a story showing signs of going off the rail, but with gameplay as good as it has it overshadows any of its other issues for me.