This game does not get a score because it doesn’t deserve a good one, but I’d feel bad giving it a bad one. This is the first game I have ever played that made me feel pity for the developers who clearly just were not given what they needed to make it happen. I congratulate them on being able to put it out at all, somebody should give them 10 million dollars to remake it

Outside of a couple of moments of being lost, getting to where you need to go is usually straightforward enough to make it a fun time. Maintains the series tradition of shitty bosses, but has a great ending

Somehow both the most non-metroidvania metroid game and also the most confusing. If I didn't have a map pulled up, I never would have finished it. Worst final boss in video game history

Pretty fun game that doesn't take too much time, good balance to when you get your upgrades. I love when all the unusable upgrades you picked up earlier all get activated at once and you feel super powerful right at the end

The story mode is so boring and shitty I am not strong enough to complete it

I don't like this one basically at all. The whole vibe is off, the soundtrack is mid. The gameplay is certainly improved from tekken 4, but trying to beat the arcade mode is a hell nightmare. Fuck Jinpachi what a shitty final boss

This game is super whack and has a lot of gameplay issues but I kinda love it. Probably the most influential game for modern tekken, introducing a lot of the ideas and mechanics the series would have going forward. Great atmosphere especially, can't hate this game.

This is a real ass, good ass fighting game. Fuck Heihachi

It's tekken 1 but slightly improved in all aspects. Fuck Kazuya and his stupid ten string

It is ugly, old, and plays like shit. It is however, very funny

This was one I really had to digest for a while after beating it. This is maybe the most exhausting game I have ever played and thought about. There is so much info, so much sci-fi nonsense, so many twists, that after playing I didn't think I liked it very much. Now that it has sat with me, I have an unbelievable amount of respect for this game, and all the crazy ideas it had, even if there are plenty of plot holes and weak justifications. This game makes 999 seem like a grounded, realistic story

Having to replay rooms and some shitty puzzles make hunting down all the endings kind of a pain, but the short runtime and batshit true ending make it all worth it. Love a game that utilizes its hardware in a creative way


One of the best "flow state" games I have ever played. It can be annoying and frustrating, with some attacks and little bits of jank that make mastering the systems harder than It should be I think, but when it all works and you enter that flow state it's 10/10. PC port especially has a lot of visual bugs that are quite frankly unacceptable for this kind of game though. Frequent freezing and stuttering even on lower settings with a PC that should definitely be able to handle it, for a game that is all about fast reactions and timing, is a HUGE determent I can't overlook.

The pretty small open world makes this game pretty enjoyable to run around in, with good movement. A lot of the side content is pretty repetitive and boring, but the main story is pretty good. Biggest disappointment is the final boss, which would have been cooler if it was a character I actually knew anything about before fighting.

While mechanically a big step up from bayo 1, everything else about it feels very sanitized an unambitious, which is weird to say for a game with so many spectacle fights. Arguably too many of those, giving those fights a lack of weight. The story is bad, but outside of that it's just, like, a pretty fun game I'm not gonna think about much afterwards