Super boring and totally unrewarding. I usually skip this when I replay the games.

Javik is excellent, and his exclusion from the story is sorely missed if played without this DLC.

A weak DLC that's still better than most DLC out there.

I'm not a fan of this one so much, but it's integral to the story as it connects the end of ME2 to the prologue of ME3. I think the Reapers are kind of boring in comparison to everything else in the ME universe, so a DLC entirely based on them where you don't have any fun squadmate banter feels kind of weak.

God, I wish Zaeed was more fleshed-out. He's so charismatically voice acted. His loyalty mission is just okay.

An excellent DLC. Questions are answered. Characters are challenged. The presentation and music are simply top-notch.

Boring gameplay, but a great story.

Kasumi is pretty boring, but the introduction to her loyalty mission is so unique and fits so well within ME2's mission structure that I'm willing to overlook it.

A supremely goofy story that lands some good moments when the games are played sequentially, but is more difficult to stomach after the first time. The extra content that comes after it makes any shortcomings totally worth it, though.

Possibly the best DLC of all time. High production values, rewarding character interactions and hugely personal to the two main characters.

The Mass Effect trilogy is dramatic, personal, and full of charm; unlike most RPGs, the player shares ownership of Shepard with the developer, which limits the scope of the role-playing experience, but allows for much stronger individual characterization. Bioware crafted an extremely compelling universe to get lost in, with some of the most memorable, well-written and acted characters in gaming history. Mass Effect is the greatest video game trilogy of all time.

Ghostrunner is some of the most immediately satisfying gameplay I've experienced in years. Despite the bugs and a general lack of polish, the gamefeel is simply unmatched. The story and voice acting are, for the most part, inoffensive and utilitarian. But you don't play for the story. You play it for the gameplay. I've not played a better platformer. I do hope for the sequel the polish the movement a bit. It's not uncommon to mantle when you don't mean to or stop running on a wall for seemingly no reason.

Good music and sound design, but the controls can feel unresponsive and, while I enjoy the commitment to visual storytelling, the lack of text means that the game doesn't adequately explain its systems to the player.

Just a straight-up fun game. Good writing, excellent level design and music. Mechanically, the combat mechanics are a huge step-up, but because of this the game is also transformed into something totally different from that which the first game was. If you like what Ratchet 2 is, you won't find a better entry in the series.

My favorite of the Ezio trilogy. Rome is perfectly realized and the story is more engaging than Revelations and easier to follow than II. It's still Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed, though, so there's a lot of meandering and time-wasting that will be a deal-breaker for those gamers who aren't italophiles like myself.