I prefer the enemy placement of the original. I wish they'd give us the option for the vanilla version instead.


I put this game down for a year before realizing how good it was. I wrote it off as highly repetitive and contextually-uninteresting, but the gameplay won me over as I began to really understand how the boons all play off each other and how the game uses its main mechanic as part of the story. Also I love Megaera.

Fun game. As a friend of mine said, "A great game hidden within a good game." You owe it to yourself to get the "canon" ending. Good way to spend a weekend. I like Rome. I just wish these actor weren't British. Their pronunciation of Latin makes my ears bleed.

This one looks and plays great, but it's pretty forgettable for the most part.

The characters are surprisingly deep and well-written, with the occasional outlier; they start off as cliches, but grow in complexity as you develop your bond with them. I didn't expect to enjoy the turn based combat as much as I did, but after having spent much of your time talking to your students, learning their likes and dislikes, cooking, fishing, etc., it functions well as a way to both break up the monotony and show the positive influence your character has on the development of the characters. Unfortunately the padding starts to become tiresome after a few playthroughs, but considering you'll have already put in dozens of hours by the time you get to that point, it hardly seems like a valid complaint. It's worth noting that, for me, the most compelling aspect of the game is learning the characters of each particular house, and then deciding who to ship with whom by the end. The idea of playing as a matchmaker not only for Byleth but for everyone else is surprisingly cute.

Constance best girl btw

I think I played like 5 minutes of this game before realizing I didn't want to learn how to play this very specific version of the same story I've experienced a hundred times.

Can be a bit overwhelming at first, but supremely difficult to put down once you get into it.

I wish The Phantom Pain was as carefully considered as this game is. Camp Omega is more interesting to play in than any location in all of TPP.

This game feels engineered in a lab to be one of my favorites of all time. The sevillano atmosphere is ubiquitous, and so thick you could cut it with a knife. Blasphemous really stands out in a genre wherein it's almost impossible to do anything truly new. It isn't quite as flashy or fast-paced as other metroidvanias, in fact its Dark Souls inspirations are quite plain to see, but I never felt like that was objectively worse as a design philosophy, it's just a matter of taste. The spritework is jaw-dropping.

I suggest people play with the Spanish dub to increase the authenticity of the game. I just hope in the future they let the actors speak in their native accents. Several sevillanos in the game have distinction where they shouldn't. For a game based on Andalusia, there's not as much regional accent representation as I would like (there are no ceceantes and only one seseante, for example). Of course, if you're not like me with an obsession for romance linguistics, none of this will bother you.

"Solo vós podréis saber cuanto dolor ha penetrado vuestra corazón culpable..."

Couldn't get into this one. The controls make engaging with the game too tiresome.

Not being as good as ME2 doesn't make this a bad game. Especially with all the DLC. The gameplay itself is hugely improved. I think the hate is overblown.

This is the best Ratchet game. Change my mind. Oh wait, you can't. You are but ants to me.

The vehicles control amazingly well and the game delivers a huge amount of speed. I do wish the combat was a little less pervasive, and the Mario Kart rubber banding is present and VERY annoying, but the vibes and story make it worth playing. It's immediately fun and exhilarating to play.

Funnier than Going Commando, but less polished and considered at the same time.