i have to refund this game for now but i have never played anything so crazy. please just look up gameplay footage of this, you don't need to watch more than like 10 seconds

edit: i bought it again

the first fighting game in the last decade to have fun systems

(EDIT: Getting stuck as a ship in the cantina is such a common occurence to people who played this I'm assuming I remembered the Action Replay thing wrong lmao)
i had an Action Replay as a kid and one time i decided put in a code for this game that let you switch to any character at any time. this was novel for a couple reasons, but of note was that you could switch to a vehicle (starfighters, millenium falcon and the like. you get it) during non-vehicle stages. vehicles, despite being a little proportionally incorrect, were obviously massive, hard to control, and couldn't make it through most single player levels - but it was greatly amusing nonetheless. you could even switch to them in the Cantina, which was really funny UP UNTIL i realized that, besides not being able to enter doors (and therefore levels), they also couldn't switch back to other characters nor to the partner character, for some reason. annoyed by this i exited to the title screen, although i made one mistake - i hit "save and exit". that was it: a full softlock! my legit 100% savefile had been ruined by boba fett's stupid spaceship. a hilarious and cruel twist of fate.

don't cheat, kids.

i ummm added a new character to my game... i think hes really fun you should try him out ^_^
you can download the game here, as always - https://steelybel.itch.io/bionicle-kanohi-klash

i strongly disagree with the popular notion that this game "got better over time"

maybe the single worst remake of all time; why bother remaking one of the two good half life games in the first place?

i might have to return to it, seeing as they added a map since the last time i played, but i really strongly disliked the general feel of the movement and combat which is, uh. pretty important for this type of game imo. the pants option is pretty funny

also, believe it or not, went 0-2 at combo breaker. probably the game i felt the best at though, it's fast paced but the pressure and combos are really easy and i honestly think anybody could be good at this game if they put a little time into it.
for clarification: my reviews got removed because they were all the same. sad!

this was the game i really thought i had a chance at but the dark awake gamers are too crazy! they're really out here studying a-cho videos! went 0-2 @ combo breaker.

i went 0-2 but i enjoyed it. megumi is awesome

still fucking awesome but the cabinet was blocked by people lining up to play the fucking league of legends fighter which they had set up in the ARCADE ROOM at combo breaker, for some reason. fuck you riot games (apologies to yohosie and pattheflip)

"tk7 is 3" actually this one is. it says it right there

i accidentally played this one for a couple hours on my genesis flashcart instead of the genesis/MD version which made it pretty funny when i discovered that version was the original... this europe-exclusive port is mildly impressive for master system despite the unnecessarily blown out colors and generally ugly sprite conversion, but tbf the MD original was barely a step up from its SMS predecessor (The Dragon's Trap). of particular note is that, being that master system carts rarely came with battery backups, this conversion opts to use hilariously long passwords -- positively dying imagining some poor british kid writing this shit down, seething with jealousy at his classmate who owned a megadrive

just want to make it clear this is an unequivocally pro-melee account. the last super smash brothers game to be "cool" and also coincidentally one of the best fighting games of all time whether you're a slippi sweatlord or playing on brinstar depths with items.