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12 days ago

steelydanpants reviewed Prey: Mooncrash
One of my all time favorite DLC's.

Immsims and stealth games have always been haunted by the quicksave, quickload strategy, and Mooncrash removes that fallback in a way that's far more interesting than simply deleting the options in the menu. Blending all of Prey's complex and consistent systems into an infinitely replayable roguelite is beyond genius on its own, but add in Arkane's charm and an interesting enough story, and you've got a real banger here.

My absolute favorite part every Arkane game is being given an objective, then spending hours finding information on how to accomplish the task in my own way. Prey Mooncrash adds the level of strategy and planning you'd find in Dishonored to a roguelite, and I think that's pretty neat.

Also I had to take notes on a physical notepad when completing this, which I think is very cool.

Arkane Austin, you deserve so much better.

14 days ago

14 days ago

steelydanpants finished Animal Well
One of the very best indie metroidvanias and, honestly, a great horror experience.

The music and sound design, while minimalistic, are solid and set the tone very well. Bc of the haunting atmosphere, the player constantly feels like they're being watched, so when the game does finally show you an incomprehensible horror, it hits extra hard.

The puzzles are wonderful. I felt myself feeling genuinely frantic, especially at the end, when trying to find and execute a solution to them.

I wasn't a huge fan of some of the insta deaths, of which there are several, but the game doesn't punish you at all, really, for dying so it wasn't too bad. I'm anti-one-hit-deaths in games, but at least this game was somewhat gentle about it.

Absolutely in love with the level and world design in Animal Well. In some ways, the game reminded me of a traditional 2D Zelda. Each of the four items you need to collect were separated into what felt like dungeons, with each dungeon consisting of individual screens full of puzzles that sometimes impact the dungeon in its entirety, with your traditional zelda key being replaced by buttons protected by solid puzzles and platforming challenges.

Good time. Buy the game!

16 days ago

18 days ago

steelydanpants completed Prey
I hope Microsoft executives get eaten alive

18 days ago

21 days ago

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