Definitely feels like a launch game, though it came out a year after the PS3 launched. The tone and story are cool, and I did settle into the island after while, as I was expecting more exotic locales. A lot of the game is just shooting galleries interrupted by traversal segments that range from rote to irritating. All that said, it seems like a solid demo and I'm looking forward to the rest of the franchise.

to have two systems in your game that feel as good as web swinging and combat is impressive, plus the writing is solid

feels like a very good demo, maybe cause i don't understand the historical context and thus can't appreciate its quality compared to its peers

Maybe the best example of a game that's more than the sum of its parts. None of the mechanical systems in this game feel rewarding, or fun really. But what it lacks in depth it makes up for with set pieces, and sometimes that's a trade I'm willing to make.

if a game doesn't have at least one nuclear explosion, it's missing the point of video games

aspiring to the high standard of the modern warfare games but just can't hit the right notes. mw2 does the big reveal so much better.

everything i love about video games

while it's still a mechanical nightmare, i think with some distance i will look on it fondly

a muddled mess that made me dream of better video games (complimentary (sort of))

mama mia, that's a good video game :^)

like a smore, limited ingredients working in perfect unison. something beautiful about climbing all that way just to glide back down.