Feeling petty today, wanna shame Remedy for still not releasing a physical for Alan Wake 2

Just wanna keep track of other devs giving Remedy L's for their pitiful excuses for not having a physical release of Alan Wake 2. Petty? Yes. A bit psychotic? Debatable. Didn't have anything better to do? 100%. Will only be games that are getting released be it initially or otherwise AFTER Alan Wake 2. No I will not get over it and don't try to fight me on it. I will buy/order the game the moment a physical is announced like I did with Baldy's gate 3

Their Excuses and I don't care if its "epic made them do it"

1. People have shifted to digital. While true its still fuck you to anyone who has slow internet or data caps who now only has the option to download your overbloated 100+ gb piece of shit for the better part of a week. Need we forget Alan Wake 1 was once DELISTED? Only saved by the remaster so it wasn't lost to the aether.

2. Keep prices down. Wow a whole $10 on everything that isn't steam, thanks Remedy you sure saved my finances. I can now get 3 gallons of gas for my car

3. Didn't want to ship the disc that required download. Then compress your game or ship 2 discs which is becoming more common, its not an excuse.

Then they go and make a bunch of thermos'

Confirmed Switch physical release. I prefer to play on playstation so I'll still be importing but a physical release still coming over is good in my book.

Remember when Capcom was digital only on this series for the 3ds? And how until this releases those games are UNAVAILIBLE unless previously bought?
Reportedly 2 discs, whats your excuse remedy? You're inept, thats what
Sure its just a complete rerelease but its 2 discs. Step it up Remedy
2 disc so it doesn't require a download, and comes with a bunch of extra physical goodies to boot. Its why I will now play this game

Larion self published the game, while remedy is sitting on epic's dick.

Will release in January so thats 4 months after the console release but better late than never
How this game of all games was able to get itself an official western physical release (that only came about due to fan demand I might add) and release 2 months after its initial digital release, but Remedy has to keep making excuses is the most damning imo.


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