A fun little N64 adventure game. I just really like this developer and would love if they did a 10hr game like this. It’s fun to just play these bite sized little levels

I have tried 2 other Souls games in the past and each time they never stuck with me. This time I lost a bet and this was the game that I was chosen to try. I was skeptical I would like it but I was more open to it since it's open world and if I get stuck I can go level up somewhere and come back.

What I didn't expect was one of the most beautiful open world games I've have ever seen in my life. Plus you have a horse that is a joy to ride, which means traveling around is a dream. Breathtaking vistas and just grotesque enemies and bosses that you can't help but want to see.

I did a samurai build which was a lot of fun bleeding the bosses and just seeing chunks of health disappear. The last boss almost broke me but you have so many options at your disposal that you can always find a different way to succeed. I would be mistaken to not talk about the mvp of the games which is the ashes you can use to summon help, and specifically mimic tear who is the mvp of the game.

The story really isn't something that will invest you similar to SMT V, but the world itself is a story to explore. The side characters are great when you can figure out what to do and where to find them. Also I love bosses and this game is full of boss fights.

Highly recommend this game and even as someone who isn't good at Souls games I had a blast!


A fun 3D platformer. The jumping feels great which is the big issues with these game typically. Lots of fun collectibles to find but I will say the fire physics are wonky. Very cheap too so check it out!

I actually had a fun time with this game. This is the game I grew up playing and I think it's a good Crash game. Now is it as good as main games no, but it's got some interesting and fun levels.

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What an amazing game this was. RGG has nailed the gameplay this is the best any Yakuza game has played. They improved on LAD and made me really like this combat system even compared to some of my turned based favorites. Defending is something that needs to be in every turned based rpg and class system and abilities are just masterful.

The mini games are better then ever Sujimon League and the island are amazing. I enjoyed my time with both and just had such a blast.

The characters we know and love are back and the new ones are great as well. The biggest thing they did was pay respect to Kiryu in the most amazing way possible. Seeing past people from all the games through memories and catch up was amazing.

There is only one reason this game didn't get a 5 and it is that the story just didn't quite pay off like some of the past Yakuza games. I wanted one of two things to happen by the end. Kiryu should have died or Ichibon got together with Saiko. Sadly neither of those things happened and left things open ended. I also didn't feel like the villains were as strong as past games other then Bryce who I really liked as a villain. Overall I just love this series more and more with each entry.

This was one of my favorite games on the gba so I was excited for the remake and they largely did not disappoint. The visuals are way better obviously it looked pretty bad even on gba originally and the new levels are some of the best ones in the whole game. The story is non-existent as expected and it probably was a little over priced for how short it is, but I had a lot of fun and will be playing this version from now

What an absolute masterpiece. All versions of Persona 3 before had some flaws. It was either you couldn't control party members or the visuals were turned into a VN style game.

This game first of all is just gorgeous and they added some much needed things from Persona 5. The biggest thing for me is they made the social links a lot better you don't have to date all the girls now and the boys have events you can do too. While the side characters are mostly lacking compared to P5, the full voice acting for every social link more then makes up for it.

The combat is improved vastly thanks again to P5 and it's baton pass now called shifting. Tartarus was good before but it's even better now with lots more to do do and visual differences for each sector.

The story is of course amazing. The big thing to take away is this game is dark and the story isn't afraid to get super dark with consequences that make every moment hit. I won't spoil the ending but it still really shocks me and Persona has replicated this type of ending to this day.

Go play this amazing masterpiece right now if you haven't. This is the version you have been waiting for

This game is really good. Great level designs and boss fights. It calls back a lot of what made the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy great. The bonus and levels have clear inspiration from that and since I love that series I adored the call backs. Highly recommended and wish they would another game.

I just absolutely adored this game and could not put it down. I love tactics games and this unique turned based hybrid real time was just perfect for me.

Lets start with the story. There are some good twists overall but it's a pretty simple fantasy storyline of good vs evil which I really enjoyed. The characters are great and I love how involved with the story most of them are. They also have dedicated support conversations for every characters which fleshes out all the characters nicely. You are able to choose a partner in marriage which plays a big part in the story with a nice fully voiced proposal scene. The support conversations reminded me a lot of Fire Emblem which you can see this game has heavy inspiration from.

The gameplay as I mentioned combines turned based strategy with real time. Throughout the game you will earn honor points which let you upgrade how many units each battalion can hold. You only start out with 2 units per battalion but you will eventually get to twelve units with 5 characters per. This sounds confusing but it all gets introduced slowly and is easy to wrap your head around. You move these battalions in real time but can pause at any time. You setup what characters and what type of moves you want them to do most often or for specific circumstances. There is a ton of customization and it's a lot of fun to experiment. They have a bunch of different difficulty options which give you different levels to find your perfect comfort zone, and it can be changed whenever.

The world map is the biggest and best surprise about this game. It is fully interactive with tons of resources and secrets to find. Each village you build up with increase your honor score and then you can assign a guard which will auto gather resources for you. The graphics are just gorgeous in typical Vanillaware fashion. The characters always look great and the battles are super flashy.

Overall I just adore this game and can't say enough good things about it. Vanillaware you did again!

Thank you Toriyama-sensei for all you did for us

All the Aladdin games are great and the main reason to own this collection because they are still fun games. Lion King isn't my favorite but it's okay. Sadly I have a lot of experience and finished the Jungle Book games which are hard and not fun

A fun simple platformer. It's pretty easy but still enjoyable and I really liked the art style. The boss fights were pretty good too.

Why do I like this game? I don't know I like the actual card game and I'll give them credit you get to meet characters from the show, but man these graphics are garbage.

Space and time saved by two 3D platform heroes