I am sadly only capable of getting the insatiable urge to play this game when im violently drunk. Its really great

really high quality acting that i didnt expect, an insane amount of peronality and detail + controls that arent that bad considerin g its a tactical mech shooter pc dos game from the 90s lol

Cool everything but i want to sasve 1cc torture until after i can experience the full game so plase let my controller use continues wow because it doesnt so i will toil against this for Ever

boring and lame like its cousin which shall not be named!

i get stuck alot b ut i dont care its super cool

Dextromethorphan after glow on teusday

i think this would be really cool if it ran 2 hours of tweaking for 1 out of the 3 games to still run at a terrible fps with broken textures

Good god is this cool if only it was somewhat possible to have a 0.1111111 chance of clearing. The weird systems make it super unique though and i appreciate that.

Most broken and weird srpg mechanics with a kind of cool story so far, and it has crude art similar to original WTC and other old vns which is awesome compared to modern ai generated looking ass muv luv art . I really enjoy the unique idea of the main character struggling to understand a fantasy world language, its pretty slow at the beginning as well but worth it in general, im enjoying it enough so far WITH A GUIDE

Actually is not as bad as i remembered especially when not on switch.. They added espingas. Cool now add tonfas and inagami from frontier aswell i need more of my favorite dragonball braindead power scaling dead mmo game features implemented as if they havent been lifting features from it since freedom, please pleas

Never have i played a game that i have long term goals for. Will i ever reach Zenith 4 star? Will i ever beat a musou like all of the 300 view youtube videos do whove been playing on korean servers since mh dos came out? I will try.. so funny to play a mh game that throws you into the meat of its content with quite literally no direction the moment you half-beat shantien. Im g rank 30 and just toiling away at my mission... ill do it one day future me okay..